Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/601

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 557 October 5. — The English storm the fortifications of Manila, and carry the town, which they deliver over to plunder, and on which they levy a heavy contribution, after a capitulation had been entered into. The military commander, Senor Anda, retires from the city of Manila, and, with the assistance of the different religious orders, maintains the authority of the king of Spain in the Philippines, so that the British authority never extends much beyond the confines of Manila. December. — The Chinese, who, in the course of three years, had increased in prodigious num- bers in the Philippines, all join the English, and commit great excesses. Senor Anda, the Spanish military commander, orders all the Chinese in the Philippines to he hangedy which order is very generally carried into effect. The unconverted nations of the Philippines commonly join the English, and a very general rising of these people takes place. C. 1763. J. 1689. H. 1175. The English settlements on the west coast of Sumatra are re-established, and their acquisitions there confirmed by the peace of Paris. The English settlement of Bencoolen, or Fort Marlborough, is erected into an independent pre- sidency^.