Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/203

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i JAN STEEN 179 683*. A Man reading a News-Sheet. Sale. W. van der Lely, Amsterdam, December 14, 1772, No. 133. 683^ A Merry Company in the Open Air. W. 330. A man jests with a young girl ; another man drinks her health. 1 8 inches by 22^ inches. Sale. J. Alenzoon, Leyden, May 10, 1774. 683^. Peasants by the Fireside in a Tavern. It is by Jan Steen, or in his manner. A peasant seems to be disputing with the inn- keeper. Two others warm themselves at the fire. It is very naturally painted. Panel, 13 J inches by 17^ inches. Sale. Daniel Marsbag, Amsterdam, October 30, 1775, No. 101. 683^. A Scene before an Inn. In the right foreground a woman sleeps on a man's knees. The man lets a child drink from a wine-glass. Near them are a man and a girl. A dog seems to be barking at some jovial guests who put off in a boat. Several persons are in front of the inn and at the door. It is full of spirit and well painted. Canvas, 33 inches by 43 inches. Sale. Huybert Ketelaar, Amsterdam, June 19, 1776, No. 222 (146 florins, Ploos). 683*'. A Woman and a Man smoking a Pipe. By Jan Steen, or in his manner. 9 inches by 7 inches. Sale. Van Cattenburch, The Hague, September 29, 1779, No. 186 (5 florins). 684. A Tavern Scene. In a doorway to the right the hostess stands with a beer-jug under her arm, and appears to receive money from an old peasant. Several people sit by the fireside playing backgammon. There are various accessories. It is a masterly production, sketchy in style. Canvas, 25 inches by 21 inches. Sale. P. Locquet, Amsterdam, September 23, 1783, No. 348 (102 florins, Le Comte). 684^. A Smoker. Sale. Amsterdam, July 13, 1785, No. 18 (25 florins). 685. A Tavern Scene. In an interior is a table covered with a cloth, in front of which is a dog. Upon the table are a china jug and a glass, with a backgammon board. Near it are a maid-servant and a jovial guest who looks with a smile at a glass of wine. Panel, 25 inches by 22 inches. Sale. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 400 (45 florins, Laytsche). 686. Merry Peasants drinking. To the right lies a drunken