Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/204

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180 JAN STEEN SECT. man. To the left a man is drinking beer. There are various household articles. Canvas, 32^ inches by 44 inches. Salt. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 404 (60 florins, Laytsche). 687. A Peasant smoking. He sits at a table, upon which are a beer-jug, a charcoal-pan, paper, and tobacco, in front of an open window, through which is seen a landscape. It is very natural in effect and sketchy in style. Panel, 7^ inches by 6| inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 13, 1790, No. 96. 688. A Tavern Scene. In a tavern a woman is seated on the right. An old peasant, holding a coin in his hand, jests with her. At one side stands the hostess, who has a wine-jug in her right hand and drinks from a tall glass which she holds in her left. Four peasants sit at a table ; two of them play backgammon ; the others are smoking. There are acces- sories. Spirited in composition and vigorously executed. Panel, 16 inches by 21 1 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 14, 1791, No. 133. 688. The Drinkers. A pendant to "The Pie Eaters" (560) of the same sale. Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Sale. H. ten Kate, Amsterdam, June 10, 1801, No. 148 (105 florins with pendant, Roos). 689. A Jovial Peasant and a Girl. A peasant sits at table with a girl who holds a bottle and a glass. On the table is some pastry. It is broad and masterly in execution. Canvas, 14 inches by 12 inches. Sale. M. van Coehoorn, Amsterdam, October 19, 1801, No. 67 (51 florins, Lely). 690. A Tavern Scene. Several men sit in an interior, smoking and playing. A peasant woman looks on. In the foreground a man fills his pipe. Panel, 17 inches by 13 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 7, 1804, No. 147. 690*7. A Company of Merchants in an Interior. Signed in full. Sale. A. Delfos and others, The Hague, June 10, 1807, No. 46. 690^. A Peasant Scene. In a room several men are seated round a barrel, amusing themselves with games and drink. In the foreground a comely woman is in a drunken sleep. An old woman holds a bottle. Canvas, 27 inches by 2i inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 17, 1809, No. 88 (12 florins).