Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/206

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1 82 JAN STEEN SECT. 693*. A Gentleman resting. A young woman offers him a glass. Panel. Possibly the Montpellier picture (671). Salt. Amsterdam, August 15, 1825, No. 219 (80 florins). 693/1 An Interior with Two Figures. Panel. Sale. A. J. Petit, Malines, July 5, 1826, No. 19 (40 florins, Tais). 693^. A Peasant Woman. Sketchy in style. Copper, 6 inches by inches, oval. Sale. R. J. Bouricius, Arnhem, September 18, 1826, No. 118 (21 florins, Mos). 694. A COMPANY OF SIX RHETORICIANS. Sm. 156 j W. 299. Six men look out of a four-sided window overgrown with vine tendrils. On the left a man with blue sleeves and spectacles sings from a sheet inscribed " Lofliet singend " (" Singing a song of praise "). On the right a man in brown leans his head on his left arm and lays his right hand on a pewter pot standing on the window-sill ; he listens attentively to the song. Behind him a man in a red cap stretches out the index-finger of his right hand ; he has a cunning look on his face. On the left-hand side there are two other men ; on the right there is one. Beneath the window is a lozenge-shaped shield, bearing the words, " IVGHT NEMT IN " (" Youth is charming "), as well as a beer-jug and two crossed pipes. Canvas, 29^ inches by 23! inches. Sales. London, 1827 (jiio). Mrs. Skeffington Smyth of Godalming, London, March 3, 1906, No. 82 (892 : 195., Coureau). 694*?. A Man holding a Glass. Panel. Sale. Rotterdam, June 9, 1828, No. 103. 694^. A Tavern Scene. Three jovial peasants sit at table in a cottage room. Panel, 10 inches by n inches. Sale. C. R. S. Toe Laer, Amsterdam, July 28, 1828, No. 84 (10 florins 10, Roos). 695. The Simple Meal. Sm. 9 ; W. 342. A couple sit at table in a room. The woman, wearing a dark grey gown, a white apron, and a red skirt, sits in an arm-chair and is taking some butter. The man, seated to the right, holds a glass in one hanjl and raises his hat with the other. In the foreground are a dog and various kitchen implements. Panel, 8 inches by 9 inches. This is not the picture of the Hoogenbergh sale, 1743 [679^], nor that of the Wierman sale, 1762 [791], as Sm. and W. suppose. Sale. J. F. Wolschot, Antwerp, September i, 1817, No. 101 (.30, Smith). .1; Edward V. Utterson, London, 1832 (ji8 : 2s.).