Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/207

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i JAN STEEN 183 69 5#. Two Merry Persons in an Interior. Spirited in style. Panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 14, 1832, No. 92 (54 florins, Engelberts). 695^. An Interior. An old man converses with a young girl, who holds a tankard. There are various accessories. Signed in full; panel, 14! inches by n inches. Sale. J. van der Bergh, Amsterdam, July 15, 1833, No. 229. 696. A Scene in an Inn Courtyard. Sm. 129; W. 116. In the left foreground is a group of four men, with a girl who has a basket on her arm and turns her back to the spectator. Two of the men, one of them kneeling, bend over a tub and examine the contents attentively. On the other side a boy plays with a sword, and a man pays a maid-servant for his wine. The inn is a picturesque structure built on to an old tower. Panel, 18 inches by 15 inches. In the collection of Sir George Warrender, 1833 (Sm.). 697. A Party of Peasants in a Room. Sm. 131 ; W. 118. In a group in the foreground sits a young woman, who is seen in profile. She looks towards an elderly man who raises his hat and bows, seemingly inviting her to dance. Panel, 14 inches by 10 inches. [Compare 420.] Sale. Lord Charles Townshend, London, 1824 (^200). In the collection of William Wells, Redleaf, 1833 (Sm.). Sale. William Wells, London, 1848 (178 : los.) [Compare 704^.] 697*7. An Interior. A man and a woman are conversing. Behind them are three peasants. Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Sale. J. Bernard, Amsterdam, November 24, 1834, No. 147 (76 florins, De Lelie). 6gjb. Three life-sized Figures. W. 51. Two women attend on a man who sits at table, and who is apparently Frans Hals. The expression is lifelike and the execution painstaking. 48 inches by 55 inches. [Compare 614.] Sales. T. J. van Dooren, Tilburg, May 31, 1837 (435 florins). Irr the Van der Ven collection, Hertogenbosch, in 1856 (W.) ; sold for 1800 florins. 698. Peasants drinking. Four men sit at table round a wine-jug ; another man hands a second jug over the balustrade of the staircase. At the back a woman draws wine. On the right a drunken man leans with his arm on a barrel. It has a fine silvery tone ; the chiaroscuro is enlivened by the light from an open window. Canvas, 19 inches by 16 inches. Exhibited in Cologne, 1840, No. 188. Sale. J. S. Riedinger, Cologne, May 1841, No. 47.