Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/338

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314 GABRIEL METSU SECT. 1886. A Man kneeling before a Woman. In the Esterhazy collection, Vienna, No. 7, 2nd room, 1863 (Parthey, ii. 113); but not transferred with the rest of the collection to the National Museum, Buda-Pest. 1 88^. A Merry Company. Two couples sit, kissing and embracing, at a table in a room. Canvas, 13^ inches by 9! inches. Sale. Krupp, junior, and others, Cologne, October 29, 1894, No. 115. 189. THE LOVER'S VISIT TO A LADY WHO IS WASHING HER HANDS. Sm. 17 and Suppl. 7. A young lady, in a white satin skirt with a gold lace border, a red bodice, and a white kerchief, stands on the right in her bedroom, and washes her hands in a silver basin held by her maid, who pours out water from a silver ewer. She is surprised by a young man in black, with hat in hand, who enters at the door on the left, and makes a gesture as if he meant that the washing was unnecessary. A little dog sniffs at him. On the right is a handsome chimney-piece, foreshortened. At the back is a large bed. A brass chandelier hangs from the ceiling. The picture is finely rendered, but there is rather too much scarlet in the bed-curtains, the lady's chair, the table-cloth, the lady's jacket, and other things. Canvas, 32^ inches by 26 inches. Described by Houbraken (see Hofstede de Groot, Houbraken, p. 104). Engraved in the " Choiseul Gallery." Sales. (Possibly) Rotterdam, April 27, 1713, No. 9 (280 florins). (Possibly) Amsterdam, January 21, 1733, No. 10 (86 florins). Johan van Schuylenberg, The Hague, September 20, 1735, No. 61 (460 florins). Izaak Hoogenbergh, Amsterdam, April 10, 1743, No. 18 (800 florins). Gaignat, Paris, 1768 (5505 francs). Due de Choiseul, Paris, April 6, 1772 (7800 francs). Randon de Boisset, Paris, February 3, 1777, No. 80 (9980 francs). Robit, Paris, May 21, 1801 (4500 francs). Duchesse de Berri, Paris, April 4, 1837, No. 36 (10,605 francs). Prince DemidofF of San Donate, Paris, April 18, 1868. In the Seilliere collection, Paris. In the collection of the late Baroness Rothschild, Frankfort. 190. TWO YOUNG LADIES SURPRISED AT THEIR TOILET BY A YOUNG CAVALIER (or, The Intruder). Sm. 94 and Suppl. 29. Two young ladies are in a bedroom. From the back- ground to the right a young cavalier, with smiling face, his right hand outstretched and his left grasping his hat, rushes into the room and is held back by a laughing maid-servant. He looks at one of the ladies, who sits in profile to the right at the toilet-table in the left foreground near the window, and glances at him with surprise and pleasure. She wears a green velvet jacket trimmed with ermine and holds a comb in her left hand. Her face is reflected in the looking-glass ; a jewel-case stands on the table, which is covered with a Turkey carpet. In front of her to the left is a