Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/339

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ii GABRIEL METSU 315 brown spaniel. The other young lady, wearing a white silk skirt and a red bodice, has just risen from bed and is putting on her slippers. She turns her head with an air of displeasure towards the intruder. In the right foreground is an arm-chair, on which is spread a red velvet jacket trimmed with ermine ; near it are a candlestick and a jug. The floor is of wood ; the wall is hung with gilt leather. This is one of the best compositions by the artist. The personages have charming and delicate faces, the colouring especially the red, which recalls the work of Ochtervelt is very fine, and the accessories are care- fully rendered. "This picture may with propriety be styled a chef d'aeuvre of the master" (Sm.). Signed on the bed ; panel, 26 inches by 23 inches. Described by Waagen (ii. 183). Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, No. 1059; at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, 1889, No. 128, and 1900, No. 47 ; and at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1900, No. 47. Formerly in the collection of Colonel Way. Bought from him by Sm. and sold to the Hon. G. J. Vernon, 1830 (525). Sales. G. J. Vernon, London, 1831 (403, Sm.). Sir Charles Bagot, London, June 17, 1836 (615 : 6s., Brondgeest, for Baron Verstolk van Soelen, The Hague). Now in the collection of the Earl of Northbrook, London, 1889 catalogue, No. 74. 190^. An Ensign with his Mistress. Sale. Amsterdam, June 4, 1727, No. 6 (420 florins). 190^. A Man and Woman. 12 inches by u inches. Sales. Adriaen Bout, The Hague, August ii, 1733, No. 64 (109 florins). Herman Schuurman, Rotterdam, April 2, 1739, No. 3 (155 florins). 190*:. A Lady and Gentleman. 15 inches by 13^ inches. Sale. Hendrik van der Vugt, Amsterdam, April 27, 1755, No. 19 (26 florins). 191. A Lady with a Parrot, and a Cavalier. On the left is a large building with a double flight of steps, on which stands a well-dressed lady. She holds a parrot on her hand and converses with a cavalier stand- ing at her side. On the railing is a monkey dressed in a livery ; he is watching two workmen, who look on with astonishment. A young cavalier lounges in the doorway. From the background comes a carriage full of people. Panel, 23 inches by 18 inches. Sale. J. G. Cramer, Amsterdam, November 13, 1769, No. 59. 192. A Man handing into a Boat a Lady who is attended by a Page. Sm. 43. Panel, 9 inches by 8 inches. Sale. Nogaret, Paris, 1780 (noo francs).