Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/407

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in GERARD DOU 383 i ijc. An Old Woman playing with a Cat. Sm. 5 (?) ; M. 299. Possibly identical with the "Two Children with a pot of Sweetmeats and an old Woman playing with a Cat," mentioned by Descamps in the Wassenaar collection. Panel, 8|- inches by 7 inches. Sales. (Possibly) The Hague, April 24, 1737, No. i (410). Said to measure io| inches by 8 inches. Count van Wassenaar Obdam (Hoet, ii. 402), The Hague, August 19, 1750, No. 1 8 (415 florins). 117 d. A Girl eating Bread and Milk. Sale. Antoni Daems, Amsterdam, April 28, 1706, No. 10 (100 florins). 117*. A Girl seated beside the Fire, eating Broth. M. 279. With accessories. Panel, 12 inches by 14^ inches. Sale. Count van Wassenaar Obdam, The Hague, August 19, 1750, No. 17 (400 florins). ii jf. A Woman holding a Charcoal-Pan. M. 283. 5| inches by 4^ inches. Sale. Pieter Testas, Amsterdam, March 29, 1757, No. 37 (28 florins 5). 1 1 8. A Woman seated at the Fireside. M. 278. She is blowing the fire. Around her are various domestic objects. Signed " G." ; 13 inches by loj inches. Sale. London, June 27, 1896. 119. A WOMAN PEELING POTATOES. Sm. 61 and Suppl. 77 ; M. 274. In a large room with whitewashed walls and a wooden floor, an old woman with a black cap and cloak of the type of Rembrandt's mother sits peeling potatoes which lie in her lap. Behind her is a pillar ; to the right is the hearth, before which are an arm-chair with a lace pillow, a foot-warmer, a copper kettle, and other objects. A picture is hung on the wall to the left. Beneath it are an overturned basket and a pot, on which sits a mouse. Panel, 14 inches by 17 inches. Painted between 1630 and 1635, probably. Martin thinks it was painted between 1637 and 1652. But it must have been completed before 1637, if it was really bought in that year by Spiering ; he bought it from Dou for Queen Christina of Sweden, who returned it to him in 1652. (See Granberg, i. 56, No. 194 ; and Martin, ch. ii.). Sales. E. van Dishoek, The Hague, June 9, 1745, No. 32 (170 florins). Amsterdam, November 6, 1749, No. ii (200 florins). Philip van Dijk, The Hague, June 13, 1753, No. 62 (210 florins). Fr. van der Velde, Amsterdam, September 7, 1774 (1550 florins). (Van Cattenburch and) De Waart, The Hague, September 29, 1779, No. i (212 florins, Brakel or Schouman). J. Tak, Soeterwoude, September 5, 1781, No. 4 (mo florins, Van der Vinne). In the collection of Mile. Hoofman, Haarlem, 1829-1842 (Sm.) ; sold, June 2, 1846.