Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/408

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384 GERARD DOU SECT. Sales. Marquis de Salamanca and others, Paris, January 25, 1875. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1 88 1. In the collection of Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna. In the collection of M. Heckscher, Vienna, till about 1897. In the possession of the Paris dealer Ch. Sedelmeyer, 1898 catalogue, No. 17. Now in the collection of O. Huldschinsky, Berlin. 120. A WOMAN PARING FRUIT, WITH A BOY. M. 276. In the right foreground of a room a woman sits at a table paring fruit ; a boy stands beside her, eating out of a pot. In the left foreground is an earthenware pan. A ship hangs from the ceiling. Beside an open window on the left is a table, with a lace pillow and a candlestick upon it ; near it are a chair and a broom. In the centre is a pillar, with a winding staircase round it. On the right is the hearth, above which hangs a print possibly a portrait of Rembrandt. This is an early work, dating from 1630 to 1635. Panel, 18 inches by 14 inches. At Dessau in 1863 (Parthey, i. 353). Now at the Amalienstift, Dessau, No. 440. 121. A GIRL CHOPPING ONIONS. Sm. 33; M. 251. A girl, who looks towards the spectator, stands at a table, chopping onions in a large wooden tub. At the left-hand corner of the table is an overturned pewter-pot, with some onions. Behind the table stands a laughing boy with a feather in his cap ; he holds up an onion. By the window to the left is a candlestick ; a dead cock hangs on the wall above. At the back is the hearth. A bird-cage and a curtain, which is caught up in folds, hang from the ceiling. Signed and dated 1646 ; panel, 8 inches by 6| inches. This is not a pendant of 184 (in the same collection) as M. suggests, since the dimensions differ too widely ; see Martin, ch. ii. Described by Waagen (ii. 6) and by Descamps. A copy, canvas on panel, was in the sale, Comte de Turenne, Paris, May 17, 1852, No. 20 (204 francs). Exhibited at the British Gallery, 1826-27. Sales. Comtesse de Verrue, Paris, March 27, 1737. Gaignat, Paris, December 1768 (5145 francs). Grandpre, Paris. Prince de Conti, Paris, April 8, 1777 (7300 francs, Mercier). Due de Choiseul, Paris, December 10, 1787. De Choiseul-Praslin, Paris, February 18, 1793 (8000 francs, Paillet). John Trumbull, London, February 1797, No. 66 of the second day G7 : 7M Bryan). Bryan, London, February 17, 1798, No. 33 of the third day Jan Gildemeester Jansz, Amsterdam, June n, 1800, No. 35 (4000 florins, Telting). In the British Royal Collection, 1829 (Sm.). Now at Buckingham Palace, London, 1885 catalogue, No. 20.