Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/443

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in GERARD DOU 419 reading desk, and is cutting his pen. He wears a loose robe, with a white frilled collar and a fur cap. A lighted candle illumines the scene. On the reading-desk are an inkpot and writing-paper ; there are many loose papers on the table. On a shelf by the window are several large books and a parchment deed with a seal. A red curtain covers part of the left side of the picture. [Compare 68#.] Panel, 10 inches by 8| inches. Described by Waagen (iii. 263). Engraved by Captain Baillie. Sales. Amsterdam, April 2, 1754, No. 28 (not sold). W. van Haansbergen, The Hague, June 19, 1775, No. 12 (50 florins, Lormier). William Lormier, The Hague, June 4, 1763, No. 68 (331 florins, Fouquet, for Sir James Lowther). Now in the collection of the Earl of Lonsdale, Lowther Castle, where it was in 1842 (Sm.). 2 1 8. AN ARTIST BY CANDLELIGHT. (A Portrait of the Artist.) Sm. 31, and Suppl. 19 ; M. 323. An artist with a cap on his head sits, facing right, in an armchair at a table. He is drawing in a book from a statuette of Cupid by Duquesnoy, which stands on a table to the right near a lighted candle and an hour-glass. In the right upper corner a curtain is drawn back. "This little picture is rather too dark, but it is beautifully drawn and finished" (Sm.). Signed in full on the base of the statuette, but only the first two figures of the date are legible ; panel, 1 1 inches by 9 inches, with rounded top. Described by Descamps (11.222) ; see also Moes, Iconographia Jiatava, 17. In the collection of Julienne, 1754. Sales. Julienne, Paris, March 30, 1767 (1161 francs, Horion). J. B. Horion der Jardin, Brussels, September I, 1788, No. 99 (1500 francs, Looze). In the possession of Heris, Brussels, 1835 (priced at 6000 francs) and sold before 1842 to the Brussels Museum (Sm.). Now in the Brussels Museum, 1889 catalogue, No. 258. (Wauters' catalogue of 1900, No. 153.) 218*. An Artist drawing a Plaster Cast by Lamplight. M. 324. With accessories. Panel, 19 inches by 14! inches. Sales. S. van Huls, The Hague, September 3, 1737, No. 9 (175 florins). David letswaart, Amsterdam, April 22, 1749, No. 27 (56 florins). 2i8/>. A Youth drawing from the Antique at a Table. See M. 323^. With other accessories. Panel, 5| inches by 4! inches. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773,^0. 64 (205 florins, Fouquet). 219. A Youth drawing from a Plaster Cast. Sm. 65, and see Sm. 31 ; see M. 323*7. A young man sits at a table, drawing in a book