Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/444

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420 GERARD DOU SECT. from a plaster figure. On the table are drawing and writing materials, a lighted candle in a candlestick and a globe. The whole scene is framed in an arched window, with a curtain at the top. Panel, 12 inches by 10 inches. Sales. Van Schuylenburch, The Hague, September 2, 1735, No. 51 (310 florins). E. van Dishoek, The Hague, June 9, 1745, No. 34 (405 florins). J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 122 (4000 florins, Fouquet). Dubois, Paris, 1785 (7600 francs). P. de Smeth van Alphen, Amsterdam, August i, 1810, No. 24 (2500 florins, De Vries). H. Croeze, Amsterdam, September 18, 1811 (2100 florins, Muller). G. Muller, Amsterdam, April 2, 1827, No. 20 (770 florins, De Vries). In the collection of Six van Winter (829) (Sm.). Sale. Stadnisky and Muller, Amsterdam, May 16, 1831, No. 26 (652 florins, De Lelie). Martin's suggestion that this may be identical with 218^ does not hold good, as the dimensions vary. 220. The Sculptor. A young sculptor, who has long hair and wears a velvet jacket, is working by lamplight at an ivory statuette of Cupid. On the table are sculptor's tools ; at the back is the head of a young girl. A bird-cage hangs above. Panel, 9 inches by 7 inches. Sale. A. J. Essingh, Cologne, September 18, 1865, No. 174. 221. AN ARTIST BY LAMPLIGHT. (A Portrait of the Artist.) Sm. 32 ; M. 3233. A replica of 218 at Brussels. Signed in full and dated 1653 ; panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Sale. (Possibly) Prince Galitzin, Paris, 1825 (5300 francs) measuring 10 inches by 8 inches, with rounded top. Descamps and Hoet (ii. 454) mention a similar picture of a man drawing in a book measuring 12 inches by 9^ inches then in the Van Heteren collection. It did not pass with the other pictures of that collection into the Rijksmuseum. In the possession of a London dealer, 1901. 22i<2. An Interior with a Soldier and Persons by the Fireside. 28 inches by 23 inches. Sale. London, May 19, 1904, No. 120. 222. A CARD-PARTY BY CANDLELIGHT. Sm. 10, and Suppl. 37 ; M. 347. In the centre of a room a girl and an officer, who wears his hat, sword, and riding-boots, sit at a table, playing cards by candlelight. Behind the girl stands a man with a violin, who advises her how to play her hand. A girl with a jug enters from the background to the left. On the right is the hearth ; in the right foreground a violoncello is placed against a chest, on which lies a music-book. It is a fine picture. Panel, 13 inches by 10 inches.