Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/445

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in GERARD DOU 421 In the De Bye collection, Leyden, 1665, No. 3. [Not in the Benningen sale of 1716, as Sm. and Martin state ; the picture to which they refer is 112.] Sale. Fraula, Brussels, July 21, 1738, No. 240 (455 florins). In the collection of W. Lormier, The Hague (Hoet, ii. 421) ; sold in 1856 to Schmitt (1110 florins), according to a note in Lormier's store-room catalogue, preserved at the Mauritshuis. Now in the collection of Count Czernin von Chudenitz, Vienna, No. 175, where it was in 1842 (Sm.). 223. A BOY WITH A MOUSE-TRAP. Sm. 15 ; M. 352.- In a cellar stands a boy, holding a mouse-trap in his left hand and a lighted candle in his right. In the foreground are a brass flagon and a cabbage. In the background hangs a dead bird. The full signature is false; dated 1650; panel, ii| inches by 9 inches. Exhibited at Dusseldorf, 1886, No. 80. Sales. Amsterdam, October 21, 1739, No. 26 (300 florins). The Hague, February 25, 1744 (200 florins, Lormier). W. Lormier, The Hague, July 4, 1763, No. 65 (1000 florins). Amsterdam, April 17, 1783 (300 florins). H. A. van der Heuvel, Utrecht, April 27, 1825, No. 8 (425 florins, bought in). C. Kruseman and others, Amsterdam, February 16, 1858, No. 21. Werner Dahl of Diisseldorf, Amsterdam, October 17, 1905, No. 39 (6700 florins, Van Gelder). 224. The Lace-maker asleep. In a room lighted by a large lamp, a woman making lace has fallen asleep over her work. A man approaches her. In shadow is a table with a striped cloth, a large book, and a basket of fruit. On a shelf to the left is a big lantern. Panel, inches by 1 1 inches. Now in the collection of P. von Semeonof, St. Petersburg, 1906 catalogue, No. 133. 225. An Old Woman with a Candle, leaning over a Half-Door. M. 339. The upper half of a house-door with a round top is open. An old woman leans out. She wears a white cap and pleated collar and a red jacket. She holds in her right hand a lighted candle in a candle- stick, and protects the flame from the wind with her left hand. The candle throws a strong light on her face, which is bent down to the right. She is the same model as in the pictures at St. Petersburg, Munich, Vienna, and elsewhere. Signed in full on the lower half of the door and dated 1661 ; panel, 12 inches by 8 inches. Sales. N. NieuhofF, Amsterdam, April 14, 1777, No. 45 (320 florins, Rendorp). J. Rendorp, Amsterdam, July 9, 1794, No. 15 (301 florins, Yver). In the Lohr collection, Leipzig ; and in the Von Boxberg collection, Dresden. Sale. Schubart, Munich, October 23, 1899 (10,310 marks). In the collection of the late A. von Carstanjen, Berlin.