Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/448

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424 GERARD DOU SECT. In the possession of the London dealer L. Nicholson, March 1902. In the possession of the London dealer Lawrie ; exhibited 1903, No. 9. Now in the collection of G. N. Stevens, London. 234. A GIRL WITH A LANTERN AND CANDLE. Sm. 117; M. 335. At an arched window, with a curtain at the top, a smiling girl looks out to the left. She wears earrings and a white collar. Her face is strongly illumined by a lighted candle which she holds in her right hand, and with which she is about to light the candle in a lantern held in her left hand. The figure is half-length. In the left background a man sits reading near a light. Signed in full and dated 1658, on a cartouche under the window; panel, 12 inches by 8 inches, with rounded top. In the Mannheim Gallery. Now in the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 396, where it was in 1829 (Sm.). 235. A GIRL WITH A LANTERN AT A WINDOW. M. 333. At an arched window, a young girl stands facing three-quarters right ; she holds a lantern in her left hand and is fixing a lighted candle in it with her right. Her face is strongly illumined by the candlelight. Her figure is seen at half-length. In shadow in the left background are three card-players by candlelight. A mediocre picture. Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Engraved by J. Thomas, 1661 ; then in the collection of the Archduke Leopold Wilhelm, Vienna. Now in the Vienna Gallery, 1896 catalogue, No. 1378. 235*7. A Girl at a Window fixing a Candle into a Lantern. M. 336. In the De Bye collection, Leyden, 1665, No. 12. 235^. A Girl with a lighted Candle. Sale. D'Orvielle, Amsterdam, July 15, 1705, No. 4 (305 florins). 235*:. A Girl lighting a Lantern with a Candle. M. 336*7 and b. Panel, 4 inches by 3^ inches. [Compare 228.] The sales noted by Martin under 336/7 and 336^ are the same. Sale. Baron Schonborn, Amsterdam, April 1 6, 1/38, No. 28 (65 florins), see Hoet- (iii. 19). 235^. A Girl at a Window holding a Candle. Sale. Amsterdam, October 10, 1742, No. n (160 florins). 235*. A Girl at a Window. M. 329*7. Sales. Hommer, Amsterdam, April 1 5, 1 767. Van der Velde, Amsterdam, 1774. These may or may not be identical. 236. A Girl at a Window. M. 331. A girl at a curtained window holds a lighted candle in her right hand, and rests her left hand on the tablecloth. At the back two persons are seated.