Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/449

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in GERARD DOU 425 Panel, 12 inches by 8 inches, with rounded top. Sales. P. Pama, Amsterdam, January 30, 1781 (130 florins). J. H. G. Oosterdijk and H. van der Heuvel, Amsterdam, October 8, 1800 (470 florins). 237. A Young Woman with a Candle. A young woman, standing behind a window-sill, holds a candle in one hand and raises the window- curtain with the other. On the sill is a relief of children at play. Panel, 9! inches by 7 inches. Sale. D. de Jongh, Rotterdam, March 26, 1810, No. 48. 238. A Girl with a Lantern and Candle. Sm. 73 ; M. 334. At an arched window with a curtain at the top, a woman, facing left, stands at a table to the right. She holds a lantern in her left hand, and lights the candle from another which is burning on the table. Near the lantern are a market-pail with a dead duck in it, an overturned pot, fruit, and other objects. Signed in full and dated 1663 j panel, i inches by i inches. Shown at the Arti Exhibition, Amsterdam, 1867. Sale. J. Danser Nijman, Amsterdam, August 16, 1767, No. 55 (2450 florins). In the Hodshon collection, Amsterdam, 1829 (Sm.). Sales. Hodshon-Roell, Amsterdam, April 25, 1872 (6300 florins). Cahen, Amsterdam, April 20, 1880. 239. An Old Woman reading the Bible by Candlelight. A half-length. Copper, 6 inches by 5 inches, oval. Sale. Florsheim and others, Berlin, April 29, 1902, No. zja. 240. A MAN AND WOMAN WEIGHING MONEY. On a table are a lighted candle and some money. On the left a woman stands, facing right, and bending over the table. In her left hand she holds up a pair of scales to the light. She wears a cap, a pleated collar, and a dark purplish-brown jacket. Behind the table to the right sits a man with a cap the model seems to have been Rembrandt's rather making notes in a book and watching the balance. Above the group is a heavy red curtain, caught up at the right upper corner and railing on a globe to the right. Panel, 1 1 inches by 9^ inches. Exhibited on loan at the Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague, 1899-1900. Described in the inventory of the Gallery as an old copy after Dou ; in the report for 1899 as possibly a work of Dou's school. Yet it is probably quite genuine; see Oud Holland, 1901, p. n, note 2. Now in the collection of the Countess Van Lynden van Pallandt, Lisse. 241. A Woman making Lace by Candlelight. M. 344. A woman, facing three-quarters right, sits making lace by candle-light and looks up at the spectator. On a table in the right-hand corner are carrots, onions, a lantern, and other objects ; a chair with a carved back stands