Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/473

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in GERARD DOU 449 brimmed hat, a buff coat, a broad collar, a cloak, and a bandolier and sword. In the background is draped a curtain. [Pendant to 372.] Panel, 19 inches by 15 inches, oval. Sale. Marquis de Forbin-Jonson, Paris, December 3, 1906, No. 25, pendant to No. 24, " Portrait of a Lady of Rank." 334. PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE. Sm. 126; M. 155. In a landscape painted by Berchem, a lady sits in the foreground facing right, under the shade of a large tree. She wears a yellow skirt, a black jacket trimmed with red, a soft lace collar, and a white cap, and holds a fan in her right hand. Beside her to the left, in the centre of the picture, stands a man in black, with a broad- brimmed hat and yellow boots. He holds a stick in his outstretched right hand. On the left stands a shaggy dog in profile to the right. In the right foreground is the capital of a column to which Dou's portrait is affixed. Tradition says that the picture represents the Burgomaster Van der Werff and his wife. J. Six (Oud Holland^ xi. 104) says that it represents Berchem and his wife. Signed " G. Dou " and " Berchem fee." ; panel, 30 inches by 24 inches. A copy was in the Bom sale, Amsterdam, July 4, 1894. Sale. Sluypwijk-Moens, Amsterdam, April 20, 1803, No. 20 (3200 florins, Roos). In the National Museum, The Hague, 1808. Now in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1905 catalogue, No. 794 (old No. 279). 335- Portrait of a Gentleman, Lady, and Girl. M. 158. In an interior a lady and gentleman sit at a table covered with a carpet. A girl stands holding the lady's hand. A dog, a bed, and household utensils are among the accessories. Panel, 14^ inches by 19^ inches. Sale. The widow B. de Bosch, Amsterdam, November 3, 1840, No. 12 (600 florins, Nieuwenhuys). 3350. Portrait of a Child. 2i| inches by 16 inches. Exhibited at Brussels, 1882, No. 52 ; lent by the Comte d'Oultremont. 336. PORTRAIT OF A BOY. Sm. Suppl. 27 ; M. 126. The boy is the same as in 338, but is here seen in profile to the left. He wears a black vest, a gorget, and a cap with red and white feathers. The background is green. This is not a portrait of the painter, as Sm., Moes (2096, No. n), and Martin suggest. [Compare 342.] Signed in full in the right centre ; panel, 5| inches by 4| inches, oval. Exhibited at the British Gallery, 1831 ; lent by Daniel Mesman. Now in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, No. 35 ; Mesman bequest. 337. PORTRAIT OF A BOY. Sm. Suppl. 71 } M. 128. He VOL. I 2 G