Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/488

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464 GERARD DOU SECT. 392. A Still-life Piece. A grey niche, with a jug, a glass, and a paper of tobacco. Originally the exterior of a case containing the " Hermit" (201) in the Wallace collection. The case was intact while at Kassel. Panel, 12 inches by 9 inches. In the inventory of Schloss Altstadt, Kassel, 1783, No. 112. 392*. A Still-life Piece. M. 369. In the collection of N. D. Goldsmith, The Hague, 1868. Possibly identical with the picture, formerly assigned to E. Colyer and now to J. Vermeulen, which is No. 402 in The Hague Gallery. 392^. A Still-life Piece. M. 368. A book and a purse. Signed and dated 1697 (!) ; panel, 8| inches by 6 inches. Sale. Stein, Paris, June 8, 1899 (830 francs). A CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX TO THE PICTURES THAT BEAR DATES OR CAN BE DATED. 1628-31. 302. Rembrandt's Father. Kassel. 1634-35 (about). 339. Portrait of a Young Man. Oldenburg. 1637. 82. The young Violinist. Bridgewater Gallery. 332/7. Portrait of a Man. St. Remy zur Biesen sale, Cologne, 1892. 1638. 7. The penitent Magdalen. Berlin. 1639. 346. Portrait of a Woman. Doetsch sale, London, 1895. 1645. 60. An old Schoolmaster. Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. 1646. 121. Girl chopping Onions. Buckingham Palace. 322. Portrait of a Man. Rijksmuseum. 1647. 189. The Grocer's Shop. Louvre. 269. Portrait of the Painter. Dresden. 1649. 317. Portrait of an Artist. Munich. 1650. 176. Woman with a dead Cock. Louvre. 223. Boy with a Mouse-Trap. Werner Dahl sale, Amsterdam, 1905. 382. The Dog. The late Baroness Rothschild, Frankfort. 1651. 154. The Violinist. The late Alphonse de Rothschild, Paris. 193. The Herring- Woman and Maid-Servant. Narischkine sale, Paris, 1883. 1652. 68. The Quack-Doctor. Munich. 185. Girl with Fish and Boy with a Hare. Karlsruhe. 284. Portrait of the Painter. Gartner, Berlin, 1863. 1653. 159. The Fisherman's Wife. Rijksmuseum. 143. The Physician and the Sick Woman. Vienna. 221. The Painter by Lamplight. At a London dealer's, 1901. 1654. 128. The Herring- Woman and the Beggar. Munich. I656. 1 234. Girl with a Candle, picking Grapes at a Window. Dresden. 270. Portrait of the Painter. Uffizi, Florence. 1 The last figure is not clear, and may be read as 8.