Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/489

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in GERARD DOU 465 1657. 174. Girl at a Window. The late Ferdinand Rothschild, Waddesdon. 209. Astronomer with a Globe, Brunswick. 381. The Cat. Dresden. 1658. 100. Woman counting Money. Arenberg Gallery, Brussels, no. The young Mother. The Hague. 234. Girl with Lantern and Candle. Munich. 165(8 ?) l 232. Girl at a Window. Copenhagen. 1660. 6. The Tribute-Payers. Roussel sale, Brussels, 1893. 1 6. The Hermit. Lord Ashburton, The Grange. (Sold, 1907.) 1661. 225. An old Woman with a Candle. The late A. von Carstanjen, Berlin. 280. Portrait of the Painter. Pauw sale, The Hague; 1779. 1662. 173. Girl with Grapes at a Window. Turin. 1663. 27. The Hermit. (Possibly) Arenberg Gallery, Brussels. 66, 389. The dropsical Woman"; with outer case. Louvre. 238. Girl with Lantern and Candle. Cohen sale, Amsterdam, 1880. 274. Portrait of the Painter. Munich. 1663 (?) 2 171. Woman at a Window. Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. 1664. 12. A Hermit. Rijksmuseum. 49. Old Man weighing Money. Louvre. 198. The penitent Magdalen. Schamp d'Aveschoot sale, Ghent, 1840. 152. The Violinist. Dresden. 1667. 122. Herring- Woman paring Apples. Munich. 129. Lady at her Toilet. Munich. 158. The Lace-Maker. Karlsruhe. 1670. 19. The Hermit. Munich. 1671. 137. The old Schoolmaster. Dresden. 249. Old Woman with Poultry. Sir George Lee, London. 1672. 61. The old Schoolmaster. W. M'Alpin, Cincinnati. 144. The Dentist. Dresden. 187. The Grocer's Shop. Buckingham Palace. 1676. 285. Portrait of the Painter. Exhibited at Delft, 1863, by B. T. van Leeuwen.

1 The last figure is not clear. a The last figure is not quite clear. VOL. J 2 H