Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/527

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iv PIETER DE HOOCH 503 1 01. Studio of a Young Painter. Broad in treatment. 27 inches by 32^- inches. Sale. In Amsterdam, June n, 1861, No. 94. i oia. The Embroideress. In Berlin, 1863 (Parthey, i. 623). 1 02. The Smithy. To the right of the forge is a woman. In the middle distance four men stand round an anvil, raising their hammers to strike the red-hot iron. To the left, behind a wooden partition with a window, sits the bookkeeper, with his face turned towards a large window in the outer wall. The catalogue says : " It is a good and well-composed picture, though somewhat faded." It is, however, very doubtful whether it was by P. de Hooch. Panel, i foot 8 inches by 2 feet 3 inches. Sale. J. J. von Hirsch auf Gereuth, of Wtirzburg, in Cologne, September 23, 1878, No. 100. 103. The Old Student. A man, in a blue dressing-gown with a large black hat, sits with his figure turned to the right at a table, immersed in his studies. A shelf full of books is fixed to the wall. Signed indistinctly at the bottom on the right ; panel, 18 inches by 14 inches. Sale. FT. Kayser, of Frankfort, in Cologne, October 28, 1879, No. 121. 104. The Notary. A notary in a red costume sits at his writing- table, looking into a register and giving advice to a widow. The woman, in deep mourning, sits beside him, clasping a pocket-book in her hands on her lap and listening attentively. A woman standing near puts an hour- glass on the table. Behind the group a curtain partly drawn back reveals the bookshelves of a large library. An open door to the right leads through an ante-room to a sunlit canal. Signed and dated 1676 ; canvas, 25 inches by 29 inches. Sales. Haarlem, September 23, 1811, No. 4. Baron de Beurnonville, in Paris, May 6, 1881, No. 338. 105. Gentleman at Table. In a room a man sits, with his legs crossed, at a table laid for a meal. In his right hand he holds up a fish ; in his left is a knife. An open door looks into a kitchen where a maid is at work. Signed in full and dated 1674; canvas, 18 inches by 13^ inches. Sale. Dr. Weinhagen, in Cologne, November 1890. 106. [Identical with 315.] 107. Girl Reading. This is a half-length picture of a young girl in black, with a white collar and hood ; she is reading a book, which she holds in both hands. Panel, 19 inches by 17 inches. Sale. Anrep-Elmpt, in Cologne, June 5, 1893, No. 67.