Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/528

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504 PIETER DE HOOCH SECT. 1 08. The Slippers. Sm.Suppl. 20. The open door of a room shows a well-lighted passage, paved with red tiles, which leads into a room beyond. Beside the left-hand door-post sits a little girl with a dog on her lap ; a broom is placed against the wall near her, and a towel hangs on a nail. At the entrance to the farther room are a pair of slippers and a dog. Both rooms are paved with black and white tiles. On the wall of the back room hangs a picture by Ter Borch of a lady seated at her toilet-table with her back to the spectator, and a boy at her legs which was once in the Greffulhe collection. Beneath it is a chair casting its shadow on the light wall. To the left is a table with a candlestick. One of a bunch of keys is in the lock of the door. " This picture was evidently painted on the spot and may be styled a l tromp cTceil of art ' " (Smith). Signed "P.D.H. 1658" ; canvas, 41 inches by 28 inches. See Havard, i. 101 ; and Hofstede de Groot on Janssens, Oud Holland, 1891, No. 15. Brought to England by Chaplin in 1839. Lent by W. Burger to the Exposition Retrospective in the Champs Elysees, Paris, 1866 (see Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1866, xxi. 554). Sale. Comte de L., in Paris, April 15, 1868. Afterwards in the Max Kann collection, Paris. Sales. Madame Brooks, Paris, April 16, 1877, No. 34. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 21, 1883, No. 66. In the catalogue of 300 paintings in the possession of the dealer, Ch. Sedelmeyer of Paris, 1898, No. 69. 109. Lady at a Table. On the left a lady sits at a table covered with a Turkey carpet, upon which are an open book, a tea-service, and a small basket. A dog lies on a chair to the left. In the background is the chimney-piece with a porcelain parrot and two pictures the one a flower- piece, the other a " Holy Family." 1 6 inches by 12 inches, or 12 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Woronzow, in Florence, April 23, 1900, No. 485. 1 09*7. The Woman making Lace. Panel, n inches by 10 inches. Sale. Lowe, London, July 4, 1904, No. 9. no. LADY WITH A PARROT. De G. 23. A lady seated, with a wine-glass in her hand, takes a letter from an elderly man, who stands near. To the left is a window through which the sun shines. In front of the lady is a table half-covered with a cloth ; on it is a large cage holding a parrot. In the left foreground by the table is a cat in shadow. In the right background through an open door are sunlit buildings. Harsh red and bluish tones dominate the colour-scheme. The picture is genuine, but late and not particularly beautiful. Canvas, 23 inches by 8| inches. Sale. Paris, January 30, 1885, No. 39, where it was "ascribed to P. de Hooch." In the Peltzer collection at Cologne. Sale. Von Mengershausen and others, in Bonn, 1889. Now in the collection of Freiherr von Mansberg, in Dresden.