Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/560

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536 PIETER DE HOOCH SECT. 214. Two Ladies and Two Gentlemen in an Interior. In a furnished room a well-dressed man and woman sit at a table with a coloured cloth ; a woman holds a glass of wine. Another young lady plays a bass viol. At the open door is a man ; through the doorway are seen several fine houses on the other side of a canal. The sunlight is rendered in a natural and pleasing way. Canvas, 32 inches by 27 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 8, 1804, No. 77. 215. Family in an Interior. In a furnished room sits a gentleman with a book before him at a table on which is a lighted candle. The wife sits sewing. Beside the bright fire is a servant-girl with a child. Panel, 14 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Gerard Godard, Baron Taets van Amerongen, Amsterdam, July 3, 1805, No. 24 (107 florins, Roos). 2 1 6. Gentleman, Lady, and Child. At a table sits a lady, giving a peach to a child who enters the room. The father stands behind the table ; a dog is in front of it. An open door looks across a sunlit canal. Canvas, 32 inches by 30 inches. Sale. E. M. Engelberts and Tersteeg, Amsterdam, June 13, 1808, No. 74 (235 florins, van der Hielst). 2i6a. The Meal of Oysters. Before a table stands a lady, giving a glass of wine to a gentleman who is seated behind the table. Upon it is a dish of oysters. Panel. Sale. E. M. Engelberts and Tersteeg, Amsterdam, June 13, 1808, No. 225 (51 florins, Allart). 217. Party of six Persons. In an interior, lighted from a large window, are three young gentlemen, two ladies, and a page. One of the ladies plays at cards with a gentleman. The other converses with the other two cavaliers ; she holds a glass of wine, which the page has just handed her. He waits, hat in hand, until she has drunk the wine and gives back the glass. Sale La Neuville, Paris, November 14, 1813, No. 35. 2 1 8. Gentleman eating Oysters. In a room two well-dressed ladies sit at a table. Behind it stands a gentleman eating oysters. 23 inches by i8| inches. Sale. D. van Dijl, Amsterdam, November 22, 1813 postponed to January 10, 1814 No. 70. 219. Gentleman at a Table, with Ladies. At a table in a room sits a gentleman reading to two well-dressed women. An open door looks upon an outbuilding, with a canal beyond. 24 inches by 28 inches. Sale. D. van Dijl, Amsterdam, November 22, 1813 postponed to January 10, 1814 No. 71.