Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/561

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iv PIETER DE HOOCH 537 220. Preparing for a Walk. In a room sits a dignified lady with a child before her and another child on her lap ; a dog is at her side. A man stands, dressing, before a mirror ; a maid-servant brushes his hat. In the anteroom are two other figures. The sunlight is well rendered. 26 inches by 22 inches. Sale. W. Reyers, Amsterdam, September 21, 1814, No. 62 (150 florins, Mol). 221. Lady with a Dog in Arms. Into a parlour, the door of which opens on a street beside a canal, comes a dignified gentleman, hat in hand. He courteously greets a well-dressed lady, who comes from an adjoining room with a dog in her arms. In a corner sits another woman beside a cradle, probably the nurse. Sale. Baronne de V . . . ez, Paris, September 19, 1815 (281 francs, Grand- champ). Compare the picture at Hamburg (182). 222. Interior with three Figures. Around a table with a cloth, before the fireplace in a room, sit three persons. In the background are two or three rooms, leading to a garden. Canvas, 27^ inches by 24 inches. Sale. H. van der Heuvel and J. Hackefort, Rotterdam, April 18, 1816, No. 13 (100 florins). ilia. An Interior. 1 1 inches by 9 inches. Sale. Leyden, August 2, 1816, No. 136. 223. Two Ladies writing. At a table in a room sit two ladies writing. An open door looks into another room and, beyond it, through a passage into the street, from which a gentleman is coming. Excellent in the rendering of sunlight. Canvas, 20 inches by 24 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 25, 1817, No. 41 (80 florins, Woodburn). 2230. Interior with Figures. "Exhibiting an illusive effect of light" (Sm.). Sale. Lord Rendlesham, 1806 (120 guineas, or _i2o). Perhaps identical with the picture sold at Lord Rendlesham's sale in 1809 (for 51 guineas) (Sm.). 223^. Vista into an Interior. With a striking effect of light. Canvas, 15 inches by 13 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 16, 1819, No. 73 (8 florins, Boymans). 223^. A Company of four Persons in a Room. Canvas, 24 inches by 28 inches. Sale. H. A. Bauer and others, Amsterdam, September n, 1820, No. 56 (20 florins, Gruyter). 224. Lady and Gentleman conversing. A comely lady stands in