Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/236

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220 AELBERT CUYP SECT. 7390. Winter Landscape with Figures. Along a snow-covered road, with a windmill and houses, are many figures on horseback and on foot. In the distance is a village. A fine effect of light. Canvas, 33 inches by 38 inches. Sale. J. Lauwers and others, Amsterdam, December 13, 1802, No. 36. 739^. Winter Landscape with Figures. Sale. Bryan, London, May 7, 1804 (590). 740. Winter Sports on the Frozen Maas near the Huis te Merwede. Sm. 279. The ruined tower fills the right-hand side of the picture. In front of it are four persons in a sleigh drawn by a white horse ; the driver is at the side. Nearer the front, a man with a stick over his shoulder is skating, with his back to the spectator. Beyond him are several persons with horses near a tent, beside the ruin ; many others are on the ice. Sunset. [Possibly identical with 737.] Canvas, about 34 inches by 26 inches (or the reverse ?) In the collection of the Earl of Coventry, 1834 (Sm.). 740*7. Winter Landscape. A great ruin by a frozen river. Skaters and a sleigh drawn by a grey horse. Evening sunshine. [Possibly identical with 736 ?] Described by Waagen (ii. 129). In the collection of Baron Lionel Rothschild, London, 1854. 741. Winter. A man of rank and a lady are driving in a carriage with two greys on a frozen canal. A crowd of applauding peasants and gentry precede or follow them, on foot, in sleighs, or in carts. Near the carriage a man on a bay horse is blowing a trumpet. In front of the carriage a gentleman is skating. Some persons stand aside to let the procession go by. To the right is a group of persons playing. In the distance are two windmills. Sunset. The attribution to Cuyp is doubtful. Panel, 23^ inches by 33 inches. Sale. D. van der Schrieck of Louvain, Brussels, April 8, 1861, No. 15 (925 francs, Meskens). 742. Sports on the Ice. A crowd of skaters and pedestrians, and sleighs, on the frozen Maas at Rotterdam. Panel, 36 inches by 62 inches. Sale. Gruyter, Amsterdam, October 24, 1882, No. 18. 7420. A Fair on the Ice. On a frozen canal are numerous skaters. To the right, at the foot of a ruin, is a tent with the Dutch flag over the entrance. The interior and the approaches are crowded with peasants. Several sledges full of goods, one of them drawn by two horses, are near. To the left are groups of skaters. Signed ; panel, 23 inches by 34^ inches. Sales. Meffre the elder, Paris, February 25, 1845, No. 15. Ittenbach, Cologne, November 8, 1898, No. 19.