Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/237

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vii AELBERT CUYP 221 743. Skating. Skaters and pedestrians are on a frozen river, near which is a tower. Canvas, 26 inches by 36 inches. Sale. Manley Sims and others, London, March 23, 1903, No. 83 (.17 : 173., Brown). 743<z. Skating. On a frozen river^ with a ruin. Panel, 10 inches by 15 inches. Sales. London, June 21, 1902, No. 165. London, March 15, 1903, No. 132. (Probably) Cunliffe, London, May 9, 1903, No. 85. 743^. Frozen River Scene. Panel, 18 inches by 25^ inches. Sale. Mrs. Hannah Entwisle of Sunninghill, London, February I, 1908, No. 131 (273, Wall). 744. INTERIOR OF THE GROOTE KERK, DOR- DRECHT. Sm. 212. A view of the northern aisle, from west to east that is, from the organ out into the transept. To the left, in front of the St. Barbara or Teresteyn chapel, which is shut off by a screen, two children, hand in hand, turn towards the door. In the corner of the chapel three men are conversing. One of them, an elderly man, wears a grey overcoat ; a young man, to the left, with his back to the spectator, wears a yellow coat and red breeches. Almost in the centre is a peasant woman, wearing a straw hat, a blue gown, and white apron ; she carries a marketing basket on her left arm. In the middle distance is a lady with two boys ; farther back is a man with his son. Another man is seated on a bench close to a pillar. In the foreground are two dogs j one, which is light in colour, is lying down ; the other, which is dark, stands up. Sun- light. A similar picture is at Innsbruck (745). [Compare 749^.] Signed in the left-hand bottom corner, A. C. ; panel, 16 inches by I2| inches. In the Van Saceghem collection, Ghent, 1834 (valued by Sm. at 210). Sales. Saceghem of Ghent, Brussels, June 2, 1857. Vicomte B. du Bus de Gisignies, Brussels, May 9, 1882, No. 19. In the Suermondt collection, Aachen, 1883 catalogue, No. 32. 745. INTERIOR OF THE GROOTE KERK, DOR- DRECHT. A view from the northern choir aisle, looking from the south-east to the north-west, to the choir of Our Lady. On the left is a woman wearing a red bodice and a soft brown hat ; to the right are two men with books. A dog lies beside a pillar in front. Sunlight. This is a work of Cuyp's maturity. A similar picture is at Aachen. [Compare 749'-] Signed A. Cuijp ; panel, i6| inches by I2| inches. Mentioned by Parthey (i. 722). In the De Hoppe collection. In the collection of J. Tschager, Vienna. In the Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck, Tschager bequest, 1899 catalogue, No. 635.