Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/254

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238 AELBERT CUYP SECT. Canvas, 19! inches by 35! inches. Mentioned by Waagen (ii. 21). In the collection of the Marquess of Hertford. In the Royal collection, Buckingham Palace, London, No. 86 ; it was there in 1834 (Sm.). 819. Two Ducks. Life-size. On a marshland. Brown in tone and broad in treatment. Mentioned by W. Burger, Tresors a" Art en Angkterre, p. 271 ; he says it is " much better than Hondecoeter." Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, No. 1000. Then in the collection of Edward Lloyd, Manchester. Note. Dr. A. Bredius, The Hague, has lent to the Royal Picture Gallery a picture of " Ducks in the Reeds," by Johannes Spruyt, which is related in style to these pictures by Cuyp. 820. Two Swans swimming. In a wooded and hilly landscape. Canvas, 16 inches by 17 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, August 8, 1 804, No. 40 (3 florins). J. E. Grave and others, Amsterdam, May 5, 1806, No. 34. 820*. An Eagle. Canvas, 27^ inches by 39^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 30, 1823, No. 51 (i florin 10). 820^. Eagles fighting. Panel, 30 inches by 42 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, October 27, 1874, No. 21. J. C. C. D. W. de Mol, W. J. M. Engelberts, and others, Amsterdam, April 28, 1875, No. 9. 820^. A large Owl. So-called "Grand Due," holding a white pigeon in its claws, in a landscape. By Cuyp or in his manner. Panel, 29! inches by 29^ inches. Sale. W. G. van Klinkenberg and others, Amsterdam, March 6, 1843, No. 15 (10 florins, Kleytenaar). 820^. A Dovecot. Sale. Amsterdam, December 16, 1851, No. 295. 821. Head of a Cow. A sketch. A black cow with a white head, facing left. The attribution to Cuyp is doubtful but not impossible. Canvas, 13 inches by 10 inches. In the Boymans collection, Utrecht. In the Boymans Museum, Rotterdam, 1907 catalogue, No. 58 (old No. 53). 82 la. Head of an Ox. Front view. Sale. J. Lauwers and others, Amsterdam, December 13, 1802, No. 220. 821^. Head of a Sheep. Half-skinned, showing the entrails. 20 inches by 20 inches. Sale. D. van Dijl, Amsterdam, January 10, 1814, No. 40 (i florin 75).