Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/255

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vii AELBERT CUYP 239 822. Study of a Cow's Head. Canvas, 12^ inches by 9 inches. Sale. Comte F. de Robiano, Brussels, May I, 1837, No. 121. 8220. Study of the Heads of four Oxen. The attribution to Cuyp is uncertain. Signed, A. C. Sale. Mile. C. M. Drekman, Amsterdam, April 14, 1857, No. 163. 822^. Head of an Ox. A fragment of a large picture. Canvas on panel, 8 inches by 9^ inches. In the Glasgow Art Gallery, William Euing bequest, 1908 catalogue, No. 250. 823. The Breakfast-Table. On a table with a dark-green cloth are a wine-glass, a crab, a pigeon, an oyster, a roll, and a horn of salt. Dark background. The attribution to A. Cuyp is uncertain. The letters A. C. occur on the horn, but it is very doubtful whether they are to be taken as A. Cuyp's monogram ; panel, 14^ inches by n| inches. Mentioned by Parthey (i. 720). In the Suermondt collection, Aachen, 1875 catalogue, No. 50. In the Royal Museum, Berlin, 1883 catalogue, No. 86 iF ; transferred, 1884, to the Aachen Museum. In the Suermondt Museum, Aachen, 1884 (second) supplement to catalogue, No. 177. 823*2. The Breakfast-Table. On the table are a jug, a glass, a herring on a plate, onions, a loaf, pipes and a charcoal pan. Sale. Amsterdam, November 7, 1826, No. 30 (3 florins, Gruyter). 823^. The Breakfast-Table. On a table partly covered with a white cloth is a pewter plate, containing a fish cut up into portions. Near it are a round loaf, a half-empty wine-glass, some onions, grapes, a Delft vase, and a knife with a mother-of-pearl handle. Panel, 2i inches by 18 inches. Sale. E. Ruelens of Brussels, Paris, April 17, 1883, No. 66. 823^-. The Breakfast-Table. On a table with a cloth lies a smoked herring ; a bundle of onions is placed against a drinking-horn. Canvas, 16 inches by I2| inches. Sale. H. D. Roussel, Brussels, May 23, 1893, No. 43. 824. PEACHES ON A BLUE PLATE. The catalogue merely says that it is attributed to A. Cuyp, but it is unquestionably a genuine work of his. In strength of colour it stands midway between the Backer picture (826) and the Boymans picture (829). Panel, 14^ inches by 17 inches. Given by Dr. Arnaud. In the Aix Museum, 1901 catalogue, No. 249.