Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/430

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4 i 4 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. towards their horses, a grey with a red saddle and a dark dappled-grey, which are held by grooms. Behind them, a huntsman blows his horn as a signal for the start. To the right is a man with a pack of hounds ; a man-servant ties up his shoe. On the terrace are a girl and two boys. On the extreme left are beggars. Farther back, two men with hawks hasten in front of the hunting party. On the left is a hilly landscape with an old castle. An example of the best or middle period of the master. Panel, 13! inches by 16 inches. In the Schonborn collection, Vienna, 1866. In the Suermondt collection, Aachen, 1874. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1906 catalogue, No. 900^. 529. A HAWKING PARTY SETTING OUT. Sm. 22. In the centre foreground a groom holds a richly-caparisoned grey horse facing left. To the right, behind it, a lady on a bay horse takes leave of her child which a maid-servant holds up. On the extreme left is a cavalier on a bay horse, with hawk on wrist ; he has his back to the spectator. Near him a negro holds two dogs in a leash. On the extreme right a beggar sits on the ground leaning against a pedestal. Behind him in the middle distance a cavalier descends the steps before a country house. A little boy, on the pedestal of a broken column, watches the preparations for departure. The falconers are walking away in the left middle distance. " A dark picture " (Sm.). Signed "PH. W. P" ; panel, 14 inches by 16 inches. Engraved by A. Laurent as " Les Adieux." Sales. Chevalier de la Roque, Paris, 1745 (430 francs). Danoot, Brussels, December 22, 1828, No. 90. Acquired for Brussels from Heris, 1848. In the Brussels Museum, 1906 catalogue, No. 524. 530. TRAVELLERS REPOSING AND HUNTSMEN RIDING TO THE CHASE. Sm. Suppl. 114. In the left foreground at the edge of a stream three peasants and a woman with two children are resting. The elder child, a boy, begs of a cavalier and lady with a dog who ride to the chase. In the middle distance a waggon with four horses ascends a hill. Behind it walks a woman with a child ; behind it are two peasants carrying a basket and a sack. " This picture has suffered from improper cleaning " (Sm.). Signed on the right at foot with the full monogram ; panel, 16 inches by 13! inches. In the first supplement to the chief Kassel inventory of 1749, No. 969. At the Louvre, Paris, 1806-1815. In the Picture Gallery, Kassel, 1903 catalogue, No. 352 (old No. 483). 531. STARTING FOR THE CHASE. [The other six pictures attributed to Wouwerman in the museum are copies.] Panel, 20 inches by 27 inches. In the Dijon Museum, 1883 catalogue, No. 180.