Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/431

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 415 532. STARTING FOR THE CHASE. Near an old country house, in front of which are a broken column and trees, two young ladies on horseback and several cavaliers prepare to start for the chase. A falconer with hawks. Grooms and dogs. Panel, 13 inches by i6| inches. In the Trimolet Museum, Dijon, 1883 catalogue, No. 79. 533. A HAWKING PARTY SETTING OUT. Sm. Suppl. 221. On the right a stone bridge leads to a stately mansion with a park. In front of it horsemen are watering their horses at a stream. The principal group is in the centre foreground. A cavalier on a grey horse faces three-quarters right. To the left beside him a lady in blue faces the spectator ; she holds a fan in her right hand up to her face. Between the two, farther back, is another lady on horseback with an open sunshade. To left and right of them are the falconer and a huntsman kneeling beside two dogs. In the left middle distance a groom rides a horse round a post. Beyond is a brownish landscape. Sm. thought this picture "very inferior" to 534, " the colouring having become too brown to be agreeable." [Pendant to 534.] Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; canvas, 32 inches by 41 1 inches. A copy was in the Wedewer sale, Berlin, March 17, 1908, No. 117; 575^, in the Krupp sale, 1894, was probably also a copy. Taken from the Dresden Art Cabinet as early as 1707. In the Dresden inventory of 1722, A 357. In the Royal Picture Gallery, Dresden, 1905 catalogue, No. 1429 (Sm. valued it in 1842 at 472 : IDS.). 534. DEPARTURE OF A HAWKING PARTY. Sm. 460 and Suppl. 220. To the left in front of a mansion with a park is a large fountain surmounted by a figure of Neptune. In the right middle distance are a river and a monastery j in the distance are hills. On the road are cavaliers and ladies on horseback in picturesque move- ment. A lady in yellow on a roan horse bends forward to speak to a cavalier who is mounting a grey. Another lady on a black horse holds up a hawk on her wrist. A huntsman on a grey horse blows his horn as a signal for departure. In the centre foreground men with hawks are seated on the ground. To the left a man sprinkles a boy with water from his hat. In spite of the doubtful monogram this is a genuine work. "A very beautiful picture" (Sm.). [Pendant to 533.] Signed on the right at foot with a doubtful monogram ; canvas, 32 inches by 40^ inches. In the Dresden inventory of 1722, 353/7. In the Royal Picture Gallery, Dresden, 1905 catalogue, No. 1430 (Sm. valued it in 1842 at ^735). 535. STARTING FOR THE CHASE. Sm. 36 and Suppl. 14; M. 23. To the left is the park-wall of a country house with steps which a gentleman is descending. He looks up to the left, where two ladies are seen above the wall. One of the ladies throws a coin down into a