Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/432

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416 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. beggar's hat. In the open foreground stand five saddled horses, which cavaliers are mounting. One man is already in the saddle. Grooms are attending to the numerous dogs. In the right foreground two dogs drink at a stream. In the middle distance is a fountain in the baroque style ; beyond it are a river and a hilly landscape. [Pendant to 704.] Panel, 18 inches by 25^ inches. The picture of the Zschille sale, 1889 (574^) is probably a copy. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la CuriositJ, i. 49, 75. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 23, as " Depart" pour la Chasse aux chiens couchans," 1737, when in the Fonspertuis collection. Sales. Angram de Fonspertuis, Paris, March 4, 1748 (3300 francs, with pendant, Laurent for the Due d'Orleans, according to Sm.). Pasquier, Paris, March 10, 1755 (4036 francs, with pendant, Remy for the Polish Court). In the Royal Picture Gallery, Dresden, 1905 catalogue, No. 1440 (Sm. valued it in 1842 at 450). 536. DEPARTURE FOR THE CHASE. Sm. 513 and Suppl. 251. To the left is a high park wall with trees rising above it. In the centre and to the right is a broad landscape, bounded by distant hills. In the foreground ladies and gentlemen mounted or on foot prepare for departure. On the extreme left a gentleman mounts his horse. Farther right is a lady on a grey horse : she holds a little child which stretches out its hands to its little sister to whom a nurse gives a ride on a goat. Behind the lady is a maid holding a parasol on a bay horse. Farther right a mounted huntsman blows his horn. A boy pours out a glass of wine for a cavalier who is about to mount. Two other men ride off to the right. In the centre foreground two dogs lie near hunting implements ; others gambol around, and one drinks at a stream on the right. Near them stands a beggar. Farther back a coach drawn by four greys is going away. On the off-hind-quarter of the greyish brown horse springing to the right in the right middle distance there is a mark, showing clearly an L in a D ; it is probably a stud-mark as in 743. A late work. Canvas, 33 inches by 51 inches. Acquired for Dresden in 1749 f rom the De Vaux collection, Paris. In the Royal Picture Gallery, Dresden, 1905 catalogue, No. 1466 (Sm. valued it in 1842 at 350). 537. THE DEPARTURE OF THE HAWKING PARTY. Sm. 348 and Suppl. 153 ; M. 51. In front of a mansion to the right, a party of ladies and gentlemen are preparing to start for the chase. Near the entrance of the mansion is a dwarf, who grasps the striped cloak of a man with an owl under his arm and puts out his tongue at him. To the left, behind the dwarf, is a piebald horse with its head turned away ; a lady who comes forward with a gentleman, is about to mount the horse. In the foreground, farther left, a groom sits on the ground near a pile of hunting implements and two dogs. Behind him, a cavalier mounts a horse ; behind him again is a coach. A groom leads a saddled grey horse, followed by a falconer and a man blowing a horn who ride away. In the extreme left foreground is a falconer with dogs ; in the middle distance,