Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/444

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428 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. dwarf, and a dozen dogs are to the right of the group. The sky is over- cast, and forebodes rain. Canvas, 20 inches by 31 inches. Sales. Vrancken, Lokeren (Flanders), May 15, 1838, No. 16 (12,350 francs, Woodin for D. Acraman). Acraman, Bristol, 1842 (325 : ios., Nieuwenhuys). 570. A Hawking Party prepared for the Sport. Sm. 357 and Suppl. 157 ; M. 80. On the right is a fine mansion with a broad flight of steps ; adjacent to it is a walled park, with a terrace and balustrade belonging to another house. On the steps in front are three figures ; at the foot of the steps are a man with a halberd, and a woman seated with a child on her lap. In the foreground are eight persons with three horses. A fine white horse paws the ground, while his rider, with the bridle over his arm, embraces a lady. Close to them is another lady on horseback, with seven dogs. In the middle distance huntsmen water their horses at a fountain, near which are two cripples. 27^ inches by 32^ inches. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 80, in 1756, as "Depart pour la Chasse a 1'Oiseau." In the collection of the Marquis de Marigny, 1756. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1842 (Sm.) ; but no longer to be found there. 570*. Starting for the Chase. A huntsman mounts his grey horse, which is strongly relieved against the dark sky. In the foreground are young foals. Parts of the picture are damaged. Canvas, ib inches by 19 inches. Sale. Madame le Poittevin de la Croix, Antwerp, May 5, 1845, No. 8 1. 571. [Identical with 545.] 572. A Hawking Party halting at a Mansion. Sm. 478, and Suppl. 233. A gentleman on a bay horse faces the spectator ; he holds his hat in one hand and a hawk on the other. Behind him is a lady in yellow on a chestnut horse ; she lifts her veil with one hand and holds a hawk on the other. A second huntsman in brown is about to mount a grey horse. Near him a page holds two dogs in leash. On the other side, farther back, a groom waters two horses at a stream. A few houses are seen in the landscape, which is hazy in the distance. " The figures and animals in this superb picture are larger than usual, yet they are never- theless finished with the same elaborate care as his smaller works " (Sm.). Canvas or panel, according to Sm. and Waagen 22^ inches by 26 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (ii. r 30), and Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 425. In the collection of the Duchesse de Berry, exhibited for private sale in London, 1834 (priced at .950, but not sold). Sale. Duchesse de Berry, Paris, April 4, 1837, No. 53 (19,000 francs, according to Blanc ; or 18,375 f rancs according to Sm.). In the collection of Lionel de Rothschild, London, 1854 (Waagen).