Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/445

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 429 5j2a. Departure of the Hawking Party. Mounted cavaliers with hawk on wrist are setting out. A fine landscape. [Pendant to 633*7. ] Panel, 17 inches by 19! inches or 23^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 27, 1858, No. 117 (104 florins). 572^. Starting for the Chase. In the collection of A. Werth, Stuttgart, 1863 (Parthey, ii. 802). 572^. Preparing for the Chase. Various horses and dogs. In the collection of J. J. von Hirsch, Wtirzburg, 1863 (Parthey, ii. 802). 573. Starting for the Chase. To the left is the garden of a country house, with a fountain and the statue of a horseman in front. A company of ladies and gentlemen prepare to start for the chase. From the extreme left come a lady and a gentleman. Another man holds out his hand to her ; he is about to mount his impatient horse, which stands to the right. Farther right a lady mounts a grey horse with the help of a gentleman. Another lady, farther back, sits on a dark horse, facing the spectator, and holding up a parasol. In front of the group, a dwarf, holding a dog in leash, blows a horn. Two gentlemen gallop away to the right. Two dogs run before them. Beyond is a flat landscape with a range of hills on the horizon. [Identical with 580.] Canvas, 33 inches by 42 inches. Exhibited at the Palais Bourbon, Paris, 1874 : Braun's photograph, No. 374. Sales. Henry Metcalfe, London, June 15, 1850 (451 : ios., Sm., who describes it in his own annotated copy of his catalogue). J. M. Oppenheim, London, 1864 (903, N. Jones). 573*7. Starting for the Chase. [Pendant to 695^.] Signed ; canvas, 12 inches by inches. Sale. Rotterdam, October 28, 1867, No. 23 pendant to No. 24. 573^. Departure of the Hawking Party. In front of a mansion, with two coats of arms over the entrance to the right, and a park wall extending to the centre of the picture, two cavaliers sit on their horses. One has a hawk on his wrist. On the right a groom holds the restless grey horse of a third rider, who converses with a lady, while a page stands at the back. To the left of the first two horsemen are a huntsman with a leaping-pole and behind him another rider. Farther away are more horsemen and figures. Signed on the right at foot, PHLS (linked) WOUWERMAN (?) ; canvas, 22 inches by 30 inches. Sale. Neven, Cologne, March 17, 1879, No. 247. 574. Departure of the Hawking Party. A lady on horseback with hawk on wrist, and a gentleman in a cloak with hat in hand, wait for the signal of departure. A groom tightens the saddle-girths of a grey horse which a gentleman is about to mount. Panel, 8 inches by 7 inches. Sales. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 567 (3400 francs). Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 21, 1883, No. 114.