Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/446

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430 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. 574*7. Starting for the Chase. On an open place in a hilly land- scape stretching far away to the right, several horsemen with their horses are assembled. To the right are the huntsmen with the hounds. On the left a gentleman comes down the steps from a mansion. On the terrace a boy and girl throw down an alms to a beggar. [Apparently a copy of 535.] Panel, 18 inches by 25^ inches. Sale. F. Zschille, Cologne, May 27, 1889, No. 1 19 (300 marks, Hartmann). 575. STARTING FOR THE CHASE. A distinguished hunting party on the right are mounting their horses. At the back, near a fountain with a figure of Neptune, are grooms and horses. Copper, 1 8 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Heymel, Berlin, November 5, 1889, No. 120. SJSaa. Starting for the Chase. Panel, io inches by 14 inches. Sale. Balthasar Schmidt, Berlin, June 20, 1891, No. 106. 575. Departure of the Hawking Party. On a broad carriage drive a horseman with hawk on wrist gallops forward with a couple of hounds. Near a colonnade on the right a man is whipping a youth who puts out his tongue at him. Panel, io inches by 16 inches. Sale. The widow Marie van Robert and others, Cologne, March 27, 1893, No. 327. 575/>. Departure of the Hawking Party. On the right, in front of a mansion with a park, is a watering place. To the left is a landscape. In the centre foreground are men and women on horseback. A lady in blue holds her hands to her face j another lady behind her shades her face with a large parasol. On the left is a falconer with hawks ; on the right is a huntsman with hounds. There are in all about thirty figures. [Probably a copy of 533.] Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 32 inches by 41 inches. Sales. Krupp, junior, of Essen, and others, Cologne, October 29, 1894, No. 224. Frankfort-on-Main, March 9, 1897, No. 71. 575<r. Departure of the Hawking Party. In front of a mansion. 41 inches by 55 inches. Sale. Cope and others, London, December 12, 1903, No. 62. 575^. Starting for the Chase. 27^ inches by 36 inches. Sale. London, December 21, 1903, No. 55. 576. Starting for the Chase. In front of an imposing entrance to a mansion on the bank of a river, a lady on a roan horse and huntsmen are waiting to start. In front of them is a falconer. Farther away is a