Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/447

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 431 coach with six grey horses. In the middle distance huntsmen are follow- ing a stag. Signed in full in the centre ; canvas, 48 inches by 67 inches. In the collection of Lord Palmerston. In the Brooks collection, 1877. Sale. Baronne de H., Paris, June 14, 1904, No. 46. 576*7. Starting for the Chase. In front of a large tent a large hunting party in picturesque costumes, on horse or on foot, is starting for the chase. Canvas, ii inches by 38 inches. Safe. Jos. Metz and Jos. Montag, Cologne, December 19, 1904, No. 80. 577. Starting for the Chase. In front of a large country house the horses stand ready. Two gentlemen escort the hostess down the steps to a grey horse with a red velvet saddle, held by a groom. A huntsman mounts, while another, already in the saddle, blows his horn. Some of the party and the falconers go away to the left. Signed on the right at foot with the monogram ; panel, 1 7 inches by 13 inches. Exhibited by the Amsterdam dealers, Fred. Mtiller and Co., January 1906, No. 13. 578. STARTING FOR THE CHASE. A gentleman on a grey horse is with a lady in yellow on a bay horse. To the right are grooms and a hound. To the left are other horsemen and a hilly landscape. Signed on the left with the monogram ; panel, 16 inches by 14 inches. Sale. A. de Ganay and others, Paris, April 16, 1907, No. 66. 579. STARTING FOR THE CHASE. At the foot of a stair- case are saddled horses. A gentleman mounts one of them, which stands in the centre and is seen from the back. A boy holds a grey horse standing on the right of this, in profile to the right. Farther back, on the right, a horseman converses with a man on foot. A lady with a page comes down the steps. At the top stands another lady in profile to the left ; a page holds a parasol over her. On the left is a view of a valley with a church in the distance. Huntsmen and hounds are going away. Panel, 15 inches by 19 inches. Sale. Ch. Sedelmeyer, Paris, May 25, 1907, No. 217 (3700 francs). 580. [Identical with 573.] 581. AT THE CHASE. In the right middle distance three hunts- men ride forward at a sharp trot. The first, on a bay horse, raises his horn ; an attendant points out the trail of the beast and a greyhound dashes forward. In the left foreground a man in red on a grey horse rides towards the others ; a man runs behind him, and to the left are three grey- hounds. To the right beside the horsemen in red is a lady with a long veil on horseback. In the distance are hills. Blue sky with grey and white clouds.