Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/471

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vni PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 455 6400. Wild- Fowl Shooting. In the foreground of a dune land- scape a man shoots at a bird in a tree. Farther away, a man sits beside a horse. On the left a boy runs over a bridge. In the middle distance is a cottage behind a hill. Canvas, 25 inches by 20 inches. Sale. Huybert Ketelaar, Amsterdam, June 19, 1776, No. 291 (213 florins, Wubbels). 641. Landscape with Travellers; Duck Shooting. Sm. 192. In the centre of a landscape is a rocky hill with a few slender trees on the top. Round its base winds a road, along which a man leads a horse. Another man rides along with a boy walking at his side. At the roadside in front a third man sits watching a sportsman who takes aim at some ducks in the little stream to the left. The stream is crossed by a bridge in the middle distance. Panel, 8^ inches by 10^ inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 114. Engraved by Le Bas in the Lebrun Gallery. Sale. Chevalier Lambert and Du Porail, Paris, March 27, 1787 (2600 francs, Lebrun). 641*. Landscape with a Man shooting at a Bird. On a road on a hill are a horseman and a man on foot. Canvas, 8J inches by 13 inches. Sale. J. W. Heybroek, Rotterdam, June 9, 1788, No. 39 (12 florins 5, Versnel). 642. The Sportsman shooting Ducks. Sm. Suppl. 208. A bare open landscape with a hillock and a sedgy pool on the left. In front a youth in blue stands, with his back to the spectator, holding a grey horse. Its rider on the bank at the side fires at a duck. With him is a lady in yellow on a light-dun horse. Near a pollard willow on a hill is a shepherd with sheep. " An excellent little picture " (Sm.). Panel, 9 inches by 1 1 inches. Mentioned by Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting, i. 304. Probably identical with one of the two undescribed landscapes named by Hoet (ii. 413). Sales. Griffier Fagel of The Hague, London, May 22, 1801, No. 46 (Probably) Jan Jacob Brants, Amsterdam, April 20, 1813, No. 35 (901 florins, Coders). 643. Wild Duck Shooting. Sm. 328 and Suppl. 128; M. 3. In the left foreground of a sandy landscape are a tree and a large pond. At the farther side of the pond, near a hill, a man is shooting at ducks. On the nearer side of the pond a man is loading a cart with sand. Farther back towards the left is a sorrel horse ; its rider has dismounted and stoops to fasten his shoe. Beyond him are a horseman, a man and boy on foot, other figures, and a led horse. Panel, 14 inches by 12^ inches.