Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/472

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456 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT; A picture nearly corresponding to this on canvas, 12 inches by 15^ inches was imported into England, 1840, by Hume, with a small collection formerly belonging to the Duchesse de Berry. It was bought by Sm. and sold by him in Paris in 1845. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 3, as " La Chasse aux Canards." In the Crozat collection, Paris, 1737. S a Us. G. Muller, Amsterdam, April 2, 1827 (2599 florins, L. Nieu- wenhuys). Nieuwenhuys, London, May 10, 1833 (220 : ios.). In the collection of Henry Sevan, London, 1 842 (Sm.). Sale. Due de Morny, Paris, May 31, 1865, No. 89 (14,000 francs). 644. LANDSCAPE WITH A SPORTSMAN SHOOTING AT A BIRD. On the right a man in red is shooting up in the air. On the left is a little bridge. On the extreme right is a clump of tall trees with a rabbit-hole at the foot of them. Farther back is a farm in hilly country. The picture has good passages, notably the right foreground, but as a whole it is not very characteristic. The sky has been retouched. Signed on the right at foot with the full monogram ; tall in proportion to its width. Offered to the Haarlem Museum, September 1904, by an Amsterdam dealer. In the possession of the Amsterdam dealer A. Preyer, August 1908. 645. HALT OF A HAWKING PARTY. Sm. 365. A gentleman fills a cup of water at a fountain for a lady who has dismounted from her horse. Another lady on horseback converses with a gentleman who has dismounted. A third couple farther back are still hunting. A hawk in the air just strikes a heron. This is an example of the painter's maturity, but owing to excessive repainting it is rather over-coloured. Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; canvas, 27 inches by 32! inches. From the Ddsseldorf Gallery. In the Picture Gallery, Augsburg, 1899 catalogue, No. 596 ; it was there in 1829 (Sm., who valued it at ,262 : ios.). 646. A HUNTING PARTY WATERING THEIR HORSES. Sm. 340 and Suppl. 143 ; M. 41. On the right is a little stream crossed by a stone bridge with a single arch. Two horsemen have ridden down the bank ; one, with hawk on wrist, lets his horse drink ; the other, to the left and nearer the front, rides a piebald horse. Behind them is a lady on a dappled-grey with a closed parasol on the saddle in front of her. Behind her is a third horseman. In the left foreground a groom in a red coat blows a horn ; near him is a man with dogs. A woman with a bundle on her head and a child at her side crosses the bridge. Farther right, a boy sits on the balustrade, fishing. A boat is on the water with two bathers. Hilly background. [Pendant to 934.] Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram j panel, 14 inches by 15^ inches. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 41, as "L'Abreuvoir des Chasseurs" in 1741. In the collection of the Prince d'Isenghien, 1741.