Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/564

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54 8 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. little behind the group are two horsemen. In the left distance are numerous figures and a boat on a river. Signed on the right with the full monogram ; canvas, i6 inches by 21 inches. In the Forster collection, Dresden, 1663. In the Verheiver collection, Dresden, 1710. Sale. Neven, Cologne, March 17, 1879, No - 2 4 8 - 892. In Camp. On both sides of a river which flows on the left are numerous tents. Near an inn in the foreground soldiers are throwing dice on a drum. Two others prepare to start ; one has already mounted and the other has a foot in the stirrup. The horses of the other soldiers are on the right in an improvised stable beside the inn. Signed on the right at foot with a monogram ; canvas, 18 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Neven, Cologne, March 17, 1879, No. 249. 892*7. A Sutler's Booth. Two mounted cuirassiers halt at a sutler's booth in a camp. One blows a trumpet. The other, nearer the front, mounts a bay horse. The sutler's woman has given drink to a soldier seated on a cask. On the right is a piebald horse laden with baggage ; near it lies a dog. A horseman rides towards the distant hills. Panel, 17 inches by 21 inches. Sale. Ruelens, Brussels, April 17, 1883, No. 298. 893. Seven Cavalry Soldiers near Tents. Sm. 342 and Suppl. 148 ; M. 45. On the right are tents near a tree. In front is a group of seven cavalry horses ; the four farthest away are mounted ; a trumpeter rides the centre horse. One horse on the left is lying down. On the extreme right five figures are grouped round a fire, including a woman with a child, a soldier standing with his back to the spectator, and a soldier lying asleep. In the left middle distance is a camp. Panel, 17 inches by 20^ inches. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 45, in 1742, as "Gardes de Cavalerie." In the Dinet collection, Paris, 1742. In the Van Loon collection, Amsterdam, 1827-42 (Sm.) ; bought as a whole by the Rothschilds in 1878. Sale. Ad. Jos. Bosch, Vienna, April 28, 1885, No. 54 (21,000 florins, Bourgeois). 893*7. A Camp. To the left are tents, amidst which several soldiers are moving about. An officer on a grey horse is riding out with a lady, accompanied by dogs. On the right is an expansive view ; in the distance are two horsemen. In front soldiers throw dice on a drum-head. Panel, i inches by 16 inches. Sale. A. Baehner, Cologne, September 30, 1889, No. 158. 893^. A Camp; Evening 1 . In front of a tent on the left, several cavaliers and a lady have halted. A trumpeter, dismounted, sounds a call.