Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/565

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 549 Canvas, 12^ inches by 14^ inches. Sale. A. Baehner, Cologne, September 30, 1889, No. 159. 893^. A Sutler's Booth. In a hilly landscape are tents adorned with flags. Many riders have dismounted. Some smoke ; others jest with the sutler's girl. The picture produced a very favourable impres- sion, although the low price bid does not speak well for its authenticity. 14 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Pels and others, Amsterdam, October 28, 1891, No. 86 (290 florins, Van Andel). 893^. A Camp Scene. In the foreground of a camp two horsemen and a mounted lady halt. A man pledges a cup of wine to her. [Com- pare 839*.] Canvas, n inches by i8| inches. Sale. Bokelmann and others, Cologne, December 19, 1894, No. 373. 839*. A Camp Scene. Similar in subject to the above (839^). Canvas, n| inches by i8 inches. Sale. Bokelmann and others, Cologne, December 19, 1894, No. 374. 894. In Camp. In a wide flat landscape, partly broken by low hills, are numerous tents. In the left foreground soldiers are resting round a fire. Near them are a horseman and two saddled horses, facing left, at a manger. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 17^ inches by 25 inches. Sale. Wurster, Cologne, June 15, 1896, No. 343. 894/7. Soldiers halting at a Sutler's Booth. Waggons and tents at the back. Panel, 1 8 inches by 25 inches. Sale. Gott and others, London, July 10, 1897, No. 17. 894^. In Front of a Tent. Cavaliers and ladies on horseback are grouped. At their head is a trumpeter on a grey horse. Signed ; panel, 1 6 inches by 14 inches. Sales. (Probably) Krentzlin and others, Frankfort-on-Main, May 13, 1897, No. 148. Dornberg and others, Frankfort-on-Main, December 7, 1897, No. H3- 894*:. A Camp Scene.' At a tent, in front of which a girl is busy, numerous soldiers have halted ; some of them have dismounted. At the back, soldiers lying down watch a peasant couple dancing. Canvas, 17 inches by 23 inches. Sale. Brade and others, Cologne, December 17, 1897, No. 288. 894^. A Camp Scene. Horsemen resting. 21 inches by 26| inches. Sale. Moore and others, London, December 16, 1899, No. 98.