Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/127

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ix FRANS HALS 10? white undergarment. Grey background. Retouched by the artist him- self in several places. Signed on the right at foot with the monogram ; panel, 10 inches by 8 inches the grain of the wood running diagonally. In the collection of Earl Spencer, Althorp. 366. PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN SEATED. Half-length. She faces the spectator. She rests her right hand and her left elbow on the arm of her chair, and supports her chin on her closed left hand. In her dark hair are a rose-bud and a comb set with pearls. Over a white undergarment with puffed sleeves she wears a green dress. Behind her is a reddish-brown drapery. Very broadly and thinly painted. ' 35 inches by 25 inches. Sale. H. Th. Hoch, Munich, September 19, 1892, No. 81 (Braams). In the Braams collection, Arnhem. 367. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN. B. 84 ; M. 112. Half-length. She is turned three-quarters left, and looks at the spectator. Her hands rest in her lap ; the right hand, with rings on the fingers, is placed on the left hand. She wears a lace-trimmed cap, a black dress with a broad lace collar and lace ruffles at her wrists, and a gold chain and bracelets. The colours are set side by side with few gradations, as in the pendant 253. Canvas, 30 inches by 23 inches. Acquired for Berlin in 1841. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1906 catalogue, No. 80 1. 368. PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN STANDING. M. 102.- Three-quarter-length. She is turned three-quarters left, and looks at the spectator. She holds her right hand loosely in front of her ; her left hand grasps her gloves. She wears a white lace-trimmed cap and a low broad ruff. [Pendant to 256.] Signed with the monogram, and inscribed, "^ETA SVJE 32 (and under this) AN 1640" ; canvas, 47-^ inches by 37! inches. Exhibited at Diisseldorf, 1904, No. 317. Sale. (Possibly) Huybert Ketelaar, Amsterdam, June 19, 1776, No. 72 (145 florins, Yver) measuring 41^ inches by 37 inches. In the Hobson collection, Rugby. In the possession of the London dealer Lesser. In the Orrock collection, London. In the possession of the London dealers P. and D. Colnaghi. In the collection of the late A. von Carstanjen, Berlin. 369. PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN. M. 201. Half-length. She is turned three-quarters left, and looks at the spectator. She holds her gloves in her clasped hands. She wears a white cap, a ruff, and a black silk dress with white ruffles at her wrists. The face is fresh in colour, with strong blackish shadows. Canvas, 27^ inches by 2oJ inches. Exhibited at Dusseldorf, 1904, No. 312 ; and at Berlin, 1906, No. 50.