Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/152

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'38 FRANS HALS SECT. B. M. B. M. B. M. 6 4 = B. 57 2I 5 96 137 379 127 263 275 65 224 217 97 95 316 128 307 262 66 225 218 98 134 393 129 308 281 67 161 257 99 265 276 130 309 269 68 51 221 IOO 374 378 131 310 354 69 300 222 IOI 268 256 132 381 280 70 423 223 IO2 266 368 133 ( 7 ) 325 71 259 C 1 ) 103 267 315 134 286 295 72 224 IO4 26 392 135 236 282 73 242 225 I0 5 271 157 136 251 360 74 419 226 1 06 272 158 137 287 302 75 141 228 107 277 299 138 ( 8 ) 310 76 33" 229 108 278 372 139

293 77 148 231 109 276,378 274 140 H7 (10) 78 20 232 no ( 5 ) 377 141 291 278 79 222 234 i ii 280 253 142 230 279 80 ( 8 ) 235 I 12 29 367 H3 205 313 81 115 236 113 28 326 144 215 249 82 262 236^ 114 133 399 H5 382 300 83 253 242 "5 132 322 146 285 303 84 367 243 1.6 397 H7 53 301 85 149 244 117 ii 320 148 C 1 ) 247 86 252 245 118 32 39 6 149 292 248 87 429 44 119 315 270 150 386 = M. 149 88 254 439 120 392 291 151 293 251 89 255 441 121 321 255 152 283 264 90 ii 427 122 3" 246 153 176 107 91 ( 4 ) 43 123 191 252 '54 137 C 11 ) 92 108 429 124 221 288 155 325 284 93 213 292 125 397 285-6 156 287 94 124 386 126 322 312 157 = M.i56 95 iro 304 126* 354 ... 158 = M.i68 1 Portrait of Theodorus Schrevelius (wrongly called P. Scriverius), in the collection of Count Bloudoff, 1873. [Probably identical with ZZ2 (M. 69).] 2 The Boon Companions, Rothan sale, Paris, 1890; not a Frans Hals, but a school piece showing the influence of Brouwer. 3 Portrait of Jan Barents, in the possession of Madame Lacroix j a weak forgery. 4 The Merry Toper, Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1906 catalogue, No. 8oiB. ; by Judith Leyster. 5 A Small Portrait of a Youth, half-length, StSdel'sches Kunstinstitut, Frankfort-on-Main ; not by Frans Hals. 6 Portrait of a Man, Schwerin ; school of Frans Hals. 7 Head of an Old Woman, Bridgewater House $ it used to hang too high to be examined in detail ; it is by another hand and only part of a picture. 8 Portrait of the Painter, in the collection of Lewis Fry, Clifton ; not by Frans Hals. 8 A Laughing Boy, in the collection of Lord Ronald Sutherland Gower ; probably by Jan Miense Molenaer. 1C Portrait of an Officer, in the possession of Duveen, Paris 5 identical with M. 137 or M. 147 (302 or 301). 11 An Elderly Man, in the collection of the Earl of Derby, Knowsley ; competent judges assert that this is not by Frans Hals.