Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/235

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 221 262^. Two Figures in front of a House. Another is farther back. Signed ; canvas. Sale. Amsterdam, December 10, 1822, No. 20. 262^. Two Peasants drinking. Sale. D. G. van der Burgh van Kronenburg, Loenen, September 6, 1824, No. 27 (62 florins, Haane). 262/1 Two Merry Peasants drinking and smoking. Sale. Utrecht, June 27, 1825, No. 5 (75 florins, Burton). 263. Two Peasants. In a cottage two peasants sit conversing by the fire. One listens attentively to the other, who, with a jug in his right hand and a glass in his left, relates a story. [Compare 275.] Panel, 14^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. Widow of Job. Ph. de Monte, Rotterdam, July 4, 1825, No. 7 (320 florins, Lamme). 263^. A Peasant smoking and Another holding a Jug. In an interior. In front is a cat. Sale. J. Ph. L. J. Fremin, Cambrai, September 30, 1828. 264. Two Peasants in an Interior. They sit at a table, on which are a charcoal pan, a glass, and other objects. One lights his pipe ; the other is speaking. Panel. Sale. Amsterdam, November 2, 1829, No. 89 (260 florins, Gruyter). 265. Two Peasants. Sm. 102. Half-length. One lights his pipe at a charcoal pan ; the other holds a glass in one hand and a jug in the other. Dated 1667 ; panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Engraved by Smith as " Des Bons Amis." Sales. Calonne, Paris, April 21, 1788 (500 francs). Sabatier, Paris, March 20, 1809 (501 francs). Dufresne, Paris, March 26,. 1816 (1050 francs). In the possession of Artis, 1829 (Sm.). 2650. Two Peasants smoking and drinking. Panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Stadnisky and Muller, Amsterdam, May 16, 1831, No. 74 (21 florins, Stokbroo). 266. Two Peasants drinking and smoking. Sm. Suppl. 114. One, seated in front, has just taken his pipe from his mouth. The other, also seated, holds a glass in one hand and a jug in the other. On a little table before them are a pewter pot and a paper of tobacco. On the wall hang two pipes. "A freely painted work" (Sm.). Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. In the collection of Samuel Barton, Manchester, 1842.