Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/236

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222 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 267. Two Peasants at an Inn (or, The Two Cosy Companions). Sm. 68, and Suppl. 96. A man, on the right, wearing a red jacket with tanny yellow sleeves and a brown cap, sits on a low stool, and leans forward to light his pipe. The other, wearing a tall hat and having his waistcoat unbuttoned, leans on his comrade's shoulder ; he holds a jug, and appears to be uttering a jest. On a cask before them are a paper of tobacco and a charcoal pan. [Almost certainly identical with 278.] Panel, 9 inches by 7! inches. Engraved by F. G. Schmidt. Sale. Gros, Paris, April 14, 1778 (360 francs). Sold by Sm. in or before 1 842 to a Paris dealer. 2670. Two Peasants in an Interior. They sit at a table. One, who is drunk and staggers, holds a beer-jug. Panel, 8 inches by 7 inches. Sales. Madame Le Poittevin de la Croix, Antwerp, May 5, 1845, No. 48. Febvre, Antwerp, May 4, 1846, No. 153. 268. Two Peasants drinking in an Interior. Sm. 171, and Suppl. 130. They sit opposite each other at a table, and drink a bottle of wine. A child stands at the end of the table looking at them. The housewife is busy at the fire. [Probably identical with 2jia.] Panel, 16 inches by 13! inches. Sale. Lapeyriere, Paris, April 19, 1825 (4205 francs). In the Boursault collection, Paris, bought by Arteria in 1835 (according to Art Sales}. In the collection of Edmund Higginson, Saltmarsh Castle, 1842 (Sm.), No. 103. Sale. Edmund Higginson, London, June 4, 1846 (^147, Emery). 2680. Two Men smoking and drinking. They sit at a cask, on which are a charcoal pan, tobacco, and pipes. One man, in profile, lights his pipe. The other, who looks at him with a smile, is about to drink from a jug. Panel, 9 inches by 7^ inches. Sales. Meffre the elder, Paris, February 25, 1845, No. 68. Heiis, Brussels, June 19, 1846, No. 51. 268^. Two Peasants smoking in an Interior. Sale. Henry Arteria, London, April 23, 1850, No. 46 (29 : 8s.). 269. Two Peasants drinking and smoking. Sm. Suppl. 80. Three-quarter-length. The man in front, wearing a red cap and a grey vest and cloak, sits lighting his pipe at a charcoal pan, which he holds in his right hand. His companion, wearing a drab hat, a brown jacket with tawny yellow sleeves, and a grey apron, leans on a table, pipe in hand. On a little stool near them are a jug and a paper of tobacco. At the back a man pays the hostess for his reckoning. [Compare 270.] Dated 1673, according to Sm. ; 8| inches by 7^ inches. Engraved by Halbou in the Poullain Gallery.