Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/258

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244 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 34Otf. Three Peasants at a Table. One stands eating a sand- wich. An old man with a bald head smokes and holds a glass. The third with a simper embraces his beer-jug. Copper, about 6 inches by 5 inches. Sale. Freiherr C. von Mergenbaum, Frankfort-on-Main, July 13, 1848, No. 61. 341. Interior with Three Peasants. Dated 1649. Sale. Viscount Middleton, London, July 31, 1851 (304 : ios., Brown). 342. Three Peasants in a Room. One is asleep. In tone and colour reminiscent of Brouwer. In the Townshend collection, London, 1857 (Waagen, Suppl. 180). 343. A Rustic Concert. An old peasant, seated, sings to the accompaniment of a fiddler with a tall hat. A third man is seen from the back. With accessories. Signed ; panel, io inches by 8| inches. Sale. J. J. Chapuis, Brussels, December 4, 1865, No. 294 (400 francs). 344. The Three Newspaper Readers. Three men sit at a table in an inn. One reads from a newspaper ; the others listen. One holds a pipe, the other a charcoal pan. On the table are a charcoal pan, a pipe, and a paper of tobacco. On the wall hang various objects. At the back a woman and a boy go out at a door. The signature is illegible; panel, 14^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. L. Cottreau, Paris, May 30, 1870, No. 7. 3440. The Rustic Trio. Mentioned by Paul Eudel, L' Hotel Drouot en 1883-4, p. 87. Sale. Paris, 1883 (1000 francs). 344^. Three Peasants at an Inn. They drink, smoke, and play the fiddle. Signed on the left at foot with the monogram; 18 inches by 14. inches. Sale. Wedewer, Cologne, May i, 1899, No. 168. 344<r. Three Peasants sitting in a Poor Tavern. They are carousing and smoking. The chief figure, seen from the back, raises a large glass in his right hand. Panel, loj inches by 9 inches. Sale. Forst and others, Cologne, December 13, 1899, No. 87. 344^. Three Peasants in an Interior. They sit smoking. Panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. Sales. Benjamin West, London, March 18, 1898, No. 190. J. Wilson and others, London, May 24, 1901, No. 67. 345. THREE PEASANTS SMOKING AND DRINKING. They sit round a table. The man on the right, seated in profile to the