Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/259

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 245 left, sees that the covered jug, which he holds in his right hand, is empty ; he grasps his clay pipe with his left hand, which rests on the edge of the table. The second man sits facing the spectator, to the left of the table ; he rests his left hand on his hip and his right elbow on the table, and holds his pipe in his left hand. He looks with surprise at the jug. The third man stands behind the table between the two others. [Pendant to 330.] Signed in full, and dated 1640 ; circular panel, 9 inches across. Sales. (Probably) The Hague, March 31, 1770, No. 82 (45 florins 10, with pendant, A. Terwesten). Raedt van Oldenbarnevelt of the Hague and others, Amsterdam, April 15, 1902, No. 141 (850 florins). 3450. Three Peasants round a Table. Panel, 9 inches by 7^ inches. Sale. London, July 21, 1902, No. 145. 346. THREE PEASANTS AT AN INN. One of them, a hunchback with his shirt collar open, holds a jug in one hand and a pipe in the other ; he sits astride on a bench, listening to the jests of the butcher who sits leaning back in his chair, holding a beer-glass and laugh- ing also. Behind them stands the village fiddler scraping his violin. Of the late period. Signed in full ; panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Exhibited in the Rembrandt Exhibition of the Amsterdam dealers Fred. Muller and Co., 1906, No. 98. Sale. H. C. Du Bois and others, Amsterdam, November 27, 1906, No. 147 (3800 florins). 346*7. Three Peasants smoking and drinking. Panel, 1 1 inches by 9 inches. Sale. London, July 19, 1907, No. 71. 346^. Three Figures. Half-length. Engraved by P, Aveline. 347. Three Mechanics at an Inn. Sm. 221. Three-quarter- length. Two men sit at a little table, on which are a glass, a pack of cards, and a jug. The nearer man, who wears an apron, leans forward, holding his glass in the hand which rests on the table. The man opposite takes his pipe from his mouth to speak to this man. The third man stands between them, filling his pipe. At the back, a man stands at the half-door of the house, looking out on the landscape. n inches by 9 inches. Described by Sm. from an engraving by Basan entitled " Les Bons Voisins." In the Peters collection when engraved. 348. Three Peasants at an Inn. Sm. 228. The figures are seen to the ankles. Two men sit beside a barrel, serving as a table, on which are a tobacco-box, a paper, and a pipe. The nearer man sits with