Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/260

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246 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. one hand on his hip and a glass in the other hand. He is conversing with the other man, who has thrust one hand into his breast. The third man stands behind them. idj inches by 8 inches. Described by Sm. from an engraving by Basan entitled " Les Buveurs." 348*. Three Peasants. Full length. Engraved in mezzotint by Jan van der Bruggen. 349. Three Peasants at an Inn. They are grouped round a barrel, serving as a table. One sits on a chair to the right, and grasps in his right hand a beer-glass on the table. Behind him to the left, the second man sits facing the spectator ; he has thrust his right hand into the breast of his jacket. The third man stands in the middle behind them, pipe in hand. In the left upper corner, partly cut off by the frame, is a window. Engraved in mezzotint by J. Holaert. Three Women. One holds a distaff, another a jug, the third a gkss. Panel, 9^ inches by 9 inches. Sale. Hendrik Verschuuring, The Hague, September 17, 1770, No. 130. 350. Three Old Women. Sm. 224. Half-length. One woman seated on the left holds a spirit-bottle under her arm, and holds up a spirit- glass in her left hand ; she looks with a smile to the front. On a chair to the right of her lies a distaff. Behind it sits another woman, holding in her left hand a small flat dish, into which the third woman, standing behind the first, pours something from a spoon. The second woman holds also in her right hand a covered jug ; behind her to the left is a spinning- wheel. Known under the title of "The Dutch Fates" or "The Gossips." Oval, tall and narrow. Described from an engraving by J. Suyderhoef (Wussin, 120). 351. TWO PEASANTS AND A WOMAN AT MUSIC (or, The Rustic Concert). Sm. 154. In an interior two men and a woman are grouped round a little table. The woman, seated on a chair to the left of a bench, sings from a music-book which she holds in both hands. To the right, opposite her, a fiddler sits playing. Between them, and farther back, stands another man playing the violoncello. " A freely painted picture " (Sm.). Signed in full, and dated 1661 (but Sm. says 1673); P ane ^ IJ inches by io| inches (but Sm. says io inches by 9^ inches). Exhibited at Berlin, 1906, No. 95. Sales. Baroness Thorns, Leyden, 1816 (icuo florins). C. L. Reijnders, Brussels, August 6, 1821 (370 florins). Bought by Sm. (for .92). In the collection of Edmund Wood, Chichester, 1829 (Sm.).