Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/261

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 247 In the possession of the Paris dealer Ch. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1894, No. 29. In the collection of Carl von Hollitscher, Berlin. 352. TWO PEASANTS AND A WOMAN IN AN INTERIOR. They are singing, or smoking and drinking. One peasant sits on the right at a round table. He stretches out his left leg. He wears a brown coat and ochre-yellow breeches and a felt hat with two feathers. He leans his right elbow on the table, and holds in both hands a paper from which he is singing. Behind the table to the left, the woman sits on a bench almost facing the spectator. She wears a vermilion bodice and a white cap. She looks at the singer, and holds a beer-glass in her right hand. Behind them, and farther back, stands the other peasant, facing the spectator. He wears dark clothes and a tall felt hat ; he holds his clay pipe in his mouth with his left hand. On the table are a pipe, tobacco, and a charcoal pan. The back wall is a greenish-brown. A very fine picture with the local tones already strongly developed. Signed in full j panel, about 10 inches by 8 inches. A copy was in the SchOnlank sale, Cologne, April 28, 1896. In the collection of Count Moltke, Copenhagen, 1884 catalogue, No. 46. 353. TWO PEASANTS AND A WOMAN SINGING. Three figures. A stout peasant woman with a white cap sits in the left centre, almost facing the spectator. She leans her right elbow on a cask standing beside her, holds a music-book in both hands, and looks, while singing, at the peasant standing to the right of her. This man holds in his left hand an earthenware jug, and opens his mouth as if he is singing loudly. To the right, at the woman's side, a little child is crying. At the back is a bare wall with a niche in strong light. In the left fore- ground several objects that cannot be distinguished are seen in sil- houette. Panel, 9^ inches by n inches. In the Prado Gallery, Madrid, 1907 catalogue, No. 1514. 354. TWO MEN AND A WOMAN AT MUSIC. A man sings to the accompaniment of a bagpiper ; an old woman beats time on the tongs. Farther back three figures are merely indicated. The picture is attributed at the Louvre to Isack van Ostade, but is an early work of Adriaen ; the colours ordinarily used by Adriaen at this time bluish- purple, grey, yellowish-brown, and so on are all present. The lighting is not so harsh as it is at times elsewhere. [Compare 292.] Panel, 9^ inches by 7^ inches. Sale. Henry, Paris, May 23, 1836 (200 francs). In the La Caze collection, Paris. In the Louvre, Paris, La Caze bequest, 1903 catalogue, No. 2512. 355. TWO PEASANTS AND A WOMAN LOOKING AT A CARICATURE. Sm. 47, and Suppl. 121. Three-quarter-length. At a table on the left a woman sits with her back to a window. She points with her right hand to a sheet of paper, on the top of which is