Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/291

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ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 277 442. The Hurdy-Gurdy Player in the Village. Under an arbour in front of a house an old man, in a short cloak, stands playing his hurdy-gurdy before a peasant family, including the father, the mother, who is seated, two boys, and a little girl, who listen attentively. The mother seems to tell the girl to dance. The father holds a jug in his left hand, leans his head on his right hand, and rests his elbow on a wooden par- tition. A cask, a chair, and other accessories. Panel, 16 inches by 13^ inches. Sale. De Burtin, Brussels, July 21, 1819, No. 116. 442*2. An Old Hurdy-Gurdy Player in front of a Cottage. - To the right, in front of the cottage, sits a man holding a jug. Near him a little child, a woman, and some boys listen thoughtfully- to the hurdy- gurdy player. [Compare 445.] Panel, 19 inches by 15 inches. Sale. J. A. van Dam, Dordrecht, June i, 1829, No. 92 (510 florins, bought in). 443. Peasants and a Fiddler in front of an Inn. Sm. Suppl. 92. In some shady arbours numerous merry villagers are assembled. Three are grouped round a cask serving as a table. One has just risen from a bench, which has fallen over, and, taking his pipe from his mouth, he addresses his companion. Near him stands a fiddler playing. A fine evening. [Compare 426.] Panel, i8| inches by 25 inches. , In the Palace of Sanssouci, Potsdam, 1842 (Sm.). 444. The Ballad-Singer. Sm. Suppl. 32. A landscape with a few cottages in the distance. In front of a hedgerow on the left several peasants and children are listening to an old man who stands on a bank with ballads in his hand. "Painted in a free and spirited manner" (Sm.). Panel, 1 1 inches by 9 inches. In the Koucheleff-Besborodko collection, St. Petersburg, 1842 (Sm., who valued it at j6o). Possibly identical with No. 56 in the St. Petersburg Academy ; but that is catalogued as a copy, and is in truth not good enough to be a genuine work by Ostade. 445. A Hurdy-Gurdy Player in front of a Cottage. The cottage stands amid trees. A peasant seated with a jug in his hand and a woman with a child listen to the hurdy-gurdy player standing before them. [Compare 442*7. ] Sale. Paris, March 4, 1845, No. 70 (920 francs). 446. The Hurdy-Gurdy Player in front of a Cottage. At the door of a low-roofed cottage a hurdy-gurdy player has attracted round him about a dozen men, women, and children. The cottager leans over the half-door ; he wears a red cap sideways over his ear. His wife's head is seen over his shoulder. Both of them are laughing. Among the children stands an old man leaning on his stick.