Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/292

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278 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. Signed, and dated 1637 ; panel, 12 inches by 10 inches. Sale. Cardinal Fesch, Rome, March 17, 1845, No. 174. 447. A Country Fair (or, A Hurdy - Gurdy Man at an Inn). Sm. 139. A prospective view of a village street with cottages on either side. Before the nearest cottage on the left, peasants are drinking and smoking. Among them, a man in a pink jacket sits on a bench ; another stands behind him, with his foot on the seat, smoking his pipe. They look at an old man to their left who plays a hurdy-gurdy, accompanied by a boy on the fiddle. To the right sits a peasant in an arm-chair. A woman leading a child is at the cottage door. Beside it sits a peasant -, near him a boy plays with a dog. On the other side, up the street, are the fair-booths, round which are groups of figures. " This capital picture possesses in a high degree the rich harmonious tones of colour and truth of gradation which distinguish his best works " (Sm.). 17^ inches by 24 inches. Sale. Lord Rendleshara, London, June 20, 1806 (150). In the collection of William Wells of Redleaf, 1829 (Sm., who valued it at Sate.W. Wells of Redleaf, London, May 12, 1848 (325 : ios., Philips). 447*7. The Musician at the Inn. Peasants sit at a table outside an inn, listening to a fiddle. Signed ; canvas, 13 inches by 10 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, March 28, 1855, No. 37. Amsterdam, March 26, 1856, No. no (41 florins, Roos). 448. The Itinerant Musician. Sm. Suppl. 25. In front of an inn a blind man plays a hurdy-gurdy and sings. Around him are numerous listeners. To the right of the inn door sits a man holding a glass of beer. At the door stands the landlord ; his wife's head is seen behind him. Behind the man seated are a little girl and a boy. To the left of the door stands another boy with his hands in his pockets ; a little girl at his side hangs on his arm. A dog and other accessories. The view is bounded by trees. An " excellent little picture " (Sm.). Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. In the collection of the Marquis de Caviere. Sales. Dubois, Paris, December 7, 1840 (10,105 francs). Th. Patureau, Paris, April 20, 1857, No. 20 (18,100 francs). Pierard of Valenciennes, Paris, March 20, 1860, No. 57 (25,100 francs, Tardieu). 449. The Hurdy-Gurdy Player in front of a Cottage. A little girl and three other figures. Sales. T. Capron, London, March 4, 1854 (252, Nieuwenhuys). Scarisbrick, London, May n, 1861 (493:105., Lord Ward, afterwards Earl of Dudley). Earl of Dudley, London, April 7, 1876 (346 : ios., Cox). 449*. The Hurdy-Gurdy Player in the Village. Canvas, 22 inches by 20 inches.