Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/293

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ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 279 Sale. Jonkheer H. W. F. van Panhuys and others, Amsterdam, September 26, 1882, No. 65. 450. THE ROMMELPOT PLAYER IN FRONT OF AN INN. A peasant listens. Two other figures are at the open inn door. There are twelve other figures, a dog, and hens. Signed ; I2|- inches by 10 inches. Sale. Price and others, London, May 6, 1893, No. 71 (578). 451. FIVE MUSICIANS IN FRONT OF A VILLAGE INN. Five itinerant musicians in front of a house are surrounded by a crowd. Signed in full, and dated 1641 ; canvas, 25 inches by 32^ inches. In the Markham collection. Sale. Henry Doetsch, London, June 22, 1895, No. 381 [A. Bredius].

451^. An Itinerant Musician. Children and peasant women in front of a window. Signed ; panel, 14 inches by u inches. Sale. Buckley and others, London, May 4, 1901, No. 34. 451^. A Hurdy-Gurdy Player and Figures in front of a House. Panel, iy inches by 14 J inches. Sale. Salmon, London, June 22, 1903, No. 139. 45 ic. The Blind Hurdy-Gurdy Player in front of a Cottage. Engraved by A. van der Does. 45i</. The Itinerant Musician. Engraved in mezzotint by Robert Lawrie. 451*. A Musician with a Beggar Family. Engraved by P. W. Schwarz. 452. A Woman reading the News in front of a Cottage. On the left is a cottage amid trees. A man leans over the half-door ; a woman is seen behind him. They listen to an old woman, in profile to the left, leaning on a stick, who stands reading aloud from a paper in her right hand. Another man sits listening to the left of the door ; his back is to the spectator. To the right of the door are two children ; three others are on the right of the old woman, and the two smaller of them play on the ground. A dog and two hens. In the right background a man goes through a door. This picture is in the style of the scenes with musicians in front of a cottage. Its authenticity, however, is not free from doubt ; it may perhaps be a very good old copy. Signed in full, and dated 1644 on the right at foot ; panel, 18 inches by 14 inches. Mentioned by Parthey, ii. 208. Formerly in the collection of the Prince of Reuss, from which it was bought about 1814 (f r 2 5 thaler).