Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/294

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2 8o ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. In the collection of Freiherr Speck von Sternburg, Liltzschena, 1889 catalogue, No. 149. 453. A COTTAGE. An old woman is busy at her washing. Near her sits a man on a bench. On the floor is a child. In front are domestic utensils. Panel, 10 inches by 12^ inches. In the Suermondt Museum, Aachen, 1883 catalogue, No. 101. 454. A PEASANT FAMILY AT HOME. In the left centre sits the father, with his right foot on a pan of embers. He holds a yarn- winder. To the right of him sits his wife in profile to the left ; she is picking mussels out of a flat tub in front of her. Between them are two boys. In the left foreground is a cat ; at the back of the barn-like interior is a wooden bedstead. On the right, a staircase leads to an upper room. A very fine picture, yellowish in tone, and strongly reminiscent of Isack van Ostade. If the signature were not so clear, the picture might pre- ferably be assigned to Isack. Signed in full, and dated 1638 ; panel, 12 inches by 14 inches. Mentioned by E. Bassermann-Jordan, Unveroffentliche Gem'dlde alter Meister a us dem Besitz des bayerischen Staates {Aschajfenburg), No. 45. From the collection of the Electoral Bishop. In the Royal Palace at Aschaffenburg. 455. A PEASANT FAMILY AT HOME. Sm. Suppl. i8(?) A dimly lighted barn, with a steeply pitched roof that is seen to the right. In the left background a man and woman are busy with household work. (Sm. says that the woman is washing linen ; he does not mention the man.) On the right is a man at work. Near him are domestic utensils, a basket, a baking-trough, a milk-can, and other things. In the left fore- ground is some fuel j a hen is feeding. [Compare 456.] Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1636 or 1656 (the third figure is not clear) ; panel, n inches by 9 inches (Sm. says 10 inches by 15 inches). Brought from England, and acquired by the Kunstinstitut in 1872. In the Stadel'sches Kunstinstitut, Frankfort-on-Main, 1900 catalogue, No. 205 ; Sm. says that a similar picture was there in 1842. 455*7. Interior of a Farmhouse. In a tumble-down barn, with great beams and a timbered roof, a man in a fur cap and pink coat sits smoking in the left foreground. He watches a woman who stoops over a tub. On the ground near her is a dog asleep. In the centre at the back three boys are playing ; one raises a bladder to strike his brother. Behind them is a wide chimney. In the right foreground are a broken wheel, a pump, and a ladder. The lighting suggests the influence of Rembrandt. Signed in full, and dated 1646 ; oval panel, 15 inches by 20 inches. In the collection of Arthur Kay, Glasgow. 456. INTERIOR OF A COTTAGE. In an interior filled with old lumber a woman stands washing clothes at a tub. A little child sits