Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/30

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io FRANS HALS SECT. n. A LAUGHING BOY. B. 117 ; M. 229. Half-length, in profile to the right. With his left hand he raises a wine-glass to his lips. In the right hand he holds a jug, which is only visible in part. He wears a broad white collar. The background is light. [Pendant to 32.] Circular panel, 15 inches across. In the Schwerin Museum, 1882 catalogue, No. 445. 12, 13. Two Pictures, each of a Merry Lad with Jug and Glass. Sales. Amsterdam, October 5, 1813, Nos. 63 and 64 (3 florins each, Vinkeles). (Supplementary) Amsterdam, June 22, 1814, Nos. 231 and 232. 14. A Boy holding a Beer-Jug. Sketchy. Panel, i inches by u inches. Sale. P. J. Le Jolle and others, Amsterdam, October 28, 1839, No. 17 (i florin 75, Filia). 15. Two Children eating Broth. Sale. David Heemskerk and others, Haarlem, May 26, 1809, No. io. 16. A Laughing Girl with a Milk -Pail. Panel, 20 inches by 15 J inches. Sale. E. J. de Court van Valkenswaard, Dordrecht, April 12, 1847, No. 59 (21 florins, Jonkers). 17. A Laughing Boy. M. 247. In the possession of the Paris dealer E. Warneck. In the collection of the late Q. C. Shaw, Boston. 18. HEAD OF A LAUGHING CHILD. M. 244. Almost in full face, but slightly inclined to the left. The eyes look to the left past the spectator. The hair is rather rough. The lips are parted, showing the teeth. The shoulders are seen with a white lace-trimmed collar. A broadly painted study. Panel, 13 inches by n inches. Transferred by the French State to the Dijon Museum in 1872. In the Dijon Museum, 1883 catalogue, No. 133. 19. HEAD OF A LAUGHING CHILD. M. 243. Seen in full face. The hair is rough ; the dress is brown. [Possibly identical with 24.] Circular panel, io inches across. Exhibited at Dtisseldorf, 1904, No. 320. In the collection of F. Walter, Tongelaar; the bequest of an uncle, 1874. In the Peltzer collection, Cologne. In the possession of the Cologne dealers K. A. StaufF. 19*. Head of a Laughing Boy. Almost in full face, but slightly inclined to the left. The shirt is open at the throat. The fair hair is rough. Light background. [Pendant to