Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/31

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ix FRANS HALS Circular panel, n inches across. In the collection of Jules Forges, Paris. 20. HEAD OF A LAUGHING CHILD. B. 78 ; M. 246. In full face, with tousled hair, blackish teeth, cunning eyes, and a mis- chievous smile. Blue dress. Panel, 13 inches by I2| inches, in a painted oval. Exhibited at the Rembrandt Exhibition of the Amsterdam dealers Fred Muller and Co., 1906, No. 58. In the private collection of E. Warneck, Paris. 21. A LAUGHING BOY. M. 248. Full face, with tousled hair. Brownish-purple dress. Panel, 13 inches by 12 J inches. In the collection of Mrs. Elkins, Philadelphia, No. 100. 22. A Laughing Boy. Sale. Amsterdam, May 9, 1696 (Hoet, i. 33), No. 32 (11 florins). 23. A Laughing Boy. Canvas, 13^ inches by n inches. Sale. A. M. Penninck Hoofd, Amsterdam, April 19, 1819, No. 1 8. 24. Head of a Laughing Boy. [Possibly identical with 19.] Circular panel, 12 inches across. Sale. Goll van Franckenstein and others, Amsterdam, November 13, 1868, No. 7. 25. Head of a Laughing Boy. He is about ten years of age, and is almost in full face. The hair is rough, and covers the forehead. He wears a white collar and a yellow jacket. Seen to the shoulders. Panel, 14 inches by io| inches. Sale. D. P. Sellar, Paris, June 6, 1889, No. 39. 26. HEAD OF A LAUGHING GIRL. B. 104. Inclined to the left, almost in profile. The lips are parted, showing the teeth. On the dark hair is a purple cap with a light ribbon. Yellowish dress with a white collar. Dark background. Not so much a sympathetic as a well- studied head. Panel, 5 inches by inches. Sale. G. Habich, Kassel, May 9, 1892, No. 73 (3050 marks). 27. HEAD OF A LAUGHING BOY WITH A FLUTE. M. 232. The head is almost in profile to the left. The long hair falls on the shoulder. The left hand holds a flute upright. [Pendant to 38.] Circular panel, 1 1 inches across. Engraved in 1801 by T. Gaugain. Purchased in 1894 from the collection of Sir Andrew Fountaine, Narford Hall. In the Glasgow Art Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 420.